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Ever since that dinner, things have been great! My brothers and I do fun stuff alllllll the time!

Yesterday, they all took me ice skating at this cool place with a really big tree. It was sooooo cool but there were these people shouting my brothers' names and taking pictures of us. They made sure no one got my face for some reason. We still had a really fun time though!
I also went to something called 'The Nutcracker' and all the dancers were so pretty. Mommy said she'd sign me up for ballet lessons soon and I'm really happy about it.

Mommy and daddy also got me my own room. It's pink and fluffy and has lots of stuffed animals. Sandy came home one day with a massive teddy bear on the back of his motorcycle for me. It's my favorite thing and I sit on its lap all the time.

My first Christmas is coming up and I'm so excited! I've never experienced one before and everyone has said it's the best time of the year. We've made houses out of cookies, and watched a lot of movies together. My favorite was the one with this grumpy green guy. He was really funny! I've also had a lot of sweets. I love cooking with Mommy in the kitchen! The chef is also really nice and lets me help her when my parents say it's ok.

The rest of my family is coming over today. That means I'm going to meet my grandparents, my aunt and uncle, and my cousins for the first time. To be honest, I'm really nervous to meet them. Mommy has this big surprise to reveal me to them. Daddy and my brothers say that it's over the top but she always says "nothing is too over the top in this family."

I've been getting this weird feeling recently. It feels like I'm being watched. Everyone says it's this Santa guy who delivers presents to good girls like me and he's just checking that I'm good. I hope he gives me good presents!
Ever since I told my family though, I've never been alone. Not that I mind. I love hanging out with my family and our cuddle sessions are the best!

"Sweetie!" Mommy calls out.

"She's in here Ma!" Mimi says. I finally came up with a nickname for Damien and he loves it. Right now, Mimi and I are watching a movie in my room.

Mommy and Daddy enter the room and Daddy picks me up. I giggle when he tickles my stomach and covers my face with little kisses.

"The family is on their way up! Do you remember our secret plan, Allie?" Mommy asks me. I nod with a big grin, but then it fades and my eyes begin to water.

"What's wrong princess?" Daddy says.

"What if they don't like me?" I say with teary eyes. Daddy kisses my tears away.

"They are going to love you princess just like we do."

"We're here!" A woman's voice announces. A bunch of other voices follow.

Mommy and Daddy kiss my forehead and leave the room.

"Allie I'll be right back. Do you remember what to do?" Mimi asks me.

"Yup." He kisses the top of my head and follows our parents, closing the door on his way out.

I go to my big teddy bear and start coloring in a book. I can't watch my movie or the noise will ruin the surprise. I wait for my signal, but then I hear a strange noise.

"Hello?" There's no reply.

"Hello?" I call again. I begin to get scared.

"Lulu if you're playing a joke it's not funny." Still no reply.

"Hello?" I open my window to see if it's a bird making the noise or something. But I don't see anything.

"Lulu stop. I'm scared." I whimper.

Just then, a man jumps into my room and I fall to the floor. I try to scream but I can't. My body won't move and my voice is caught in my throat.

"Thanks for unlocking the door little Lombardi." Tears begin to fall down my face. He begins to approach me and I scurry back.

"Where are going little girl? I just want to play." I start to cry harder. I open my mouth to yell but he grabs me and covers my mouth with his hand.

"Sorry kid. No yelling. We can't have your family hearing you, can we?" I try to speak but he muffles my cries with his hand. I think about what my brothers taught me.
"A man's weak spot is in between their legs. Kick it really hard they'll go down."

I wait until I'm in the right position and I kick, hard. He lets me go and I fall to the floor. Ow.

"You little bitch!" He yells. I scream loudly and he lunges for me. He pushes me to the ground and holds me down. The man reaches for something in his pocket and takes out a bottle and cloth.

"If someone holds a cloth to your nose and mouth, hold your breath like you're swimming."

This isn't good. He's about to put the cloth over my face and just then, my family barges into the room, guns drawn.

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