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I. Love. School! It's the most amazing place in the whole wide world! I'm with my friends basically every day and we have the best time ever!

Ellie is super funny and we like all the same stuff. Zach is really sweet but doesn't talk that much. Then there's Evan. He's very nice to me and like his sister, is also really funny. He and Ellie have the silliest fights. Lastly, Grey. He always looks out for me and we talk allllll the time. We're so similar but also so different. We always have fun when we're together which is honestly a lot.

Of course, there's Eloise, Grace, and Claire. Claire is really nice and Grace's grandma makes the most yummiest food. Eloise though, is, well she's Eloise. She doesn't like trying new things or sharing. Grace and Claire seem to like her so she can't be all bad.

The one thing I don't like about school is math. Mrs. Ellis makes it so hard for no reason! There has to be another, easier way to do it, but she does like a hundred steps. It's just unfair at this point.

We always have to 'show our thinking'... WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN!?

We finish our last lesson of the day and I walk out with Grey to where our drivers should be.

"I can't believe it's already been a month since you've been here."

"I know! It's so fun, right?"

"It's funner now that you're here." I blush at that.

"Funner isn't a word, silly."

"Yeah, yeah."

I see my driver and Grey and I walk over and get in. We drive together cause he lives in a building close to mine so it just works.

After some deep conversation about what shape of pasta is the best (the correct answer is elbow), we arrive at his building and drop him off.

"How was school today, Miss Alina?"

"It was great Tommy! How was your day?"

"It was good, thank you for asking miss."

Soon, Tommy puts in the code for our garage and he parks the car. I'm excited for when I start to drive. I want a pink car!

Tommy opens my door for me and walks me to the elevator.

"Bye Tommy! See you tomorrow!" I say as the door closes. He laughs and waves back.

"Mommy! I'm home!"

"Sweetheart! How was your day?"

"It was good, but I have math homework." She knows how much I hate math. 

"Well, why don't you get to work baby? I'll be cooking tonight so why don't you do it in the kitchen while I start dinner, ok?"

"Kk mommy!"

"Let me know if you need any help."


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