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My brothers and the two other boys are sitting in front of Isaac and I on the leather couches, their shocked faces having been replaced with smug smirks.

"So let me get this straight, you two-"

"Four." one of the boys adds.

I roll my eyes, "Four asshats are responsible for the countless deaths of my-"

"Our." Isaac interrupts

I scoff, "our targets."


"I guess."


"Pretty much."

I internally groan. My brothers aren't supposed to be in the field alone yet, it's dangerous. Especially when there's rising conflict with the Russians.
It's also so annoying when they literally take my job. Like, you do homework, I'll do murder. K? K.

"Just explain how it happened."

"And it better be good." Isaac says, glaring at the boys next to my brothers. If looks could kill, those kids would be dead by now.

"Probably around two months ago I pretty much had Alina's identity all figured out, but I needed confirmation. So I reached out to the only place I could get that, the Messenger. He responded with these coordinates and with the promise of an alliance, I come alone." Dominico explains.

"I caught him sneaking out so of course I came cause why not and we met these two. That's Alessio and and that's Adriano." Damien adds, nodding his head in the direction of each of the boys.

"I'll discuss your punishment with dad another time." Before they can object, I continue. "And as much as I'd love to know where Allie came from, I'd prefer talk later, in private. Now, who exactly are you two?" I ask Alessio and Adriano.

"We work for the Messenger. He doesn't know we're here exactly." Adriano says.

Excuse me?

"All he knows is that we are keeping an eye on you guys. He doesn't trust you guys not to do something rash with the upcoming conflict and all." Alessio continues. "We started working with them basically right away."

"And you can't punish us Alessandro. You're only four years ahead of us." Damien argues.

"Watch me."

He mimics my voice under his breath and I shoot him a death glare to which he just smirks.

The bastard is lucky I didn't shoot his ass.

"And I would ask how you know Alessio and Adriano, Isaac. But based on the resemblance I can already guess you're brothers." I say.

The twins nod. I look over at Isaac who's deep in thought and looks livid.

"Alessandro, take your brothers out I'd like to  speak to mine in private." We nod and begin to make our way to the door.

I 'accidentally' left a listening device on the desk, oops.

I don't trust this.

"Pack your shit, we're leaving." We hear Isaac order.

"What? No!"

"Do what I say Alessio, you should've never come here. This was my job! Go home and drop your hero complex. You are sixteen!"

"You're not supposed to be here either! Weren't you supposed to meet up with the Russians first?" Adriano argues.

"It's none of your concern what the plan was."

That's more than enough for us right there.

The rest of their conversation becomes background noise to me.

"You're done with them. If they're involved with the Russians in any way shape or form I want nothing  to do with them. Traitors is what they are."

"Alessio and Adriano did stuff no Russian would do for the family. There's more to the story."

"Shut up Damien. You heard what they said. It was all just bull the whole time." Nico says.

"We're leaving, now. If I catch you with those boys again you will not like what happens." I order.

Damien's POV:

My brothers begin to walk towards the front, giving up on our alliances. I know there's more, there has to be.

"Damien! Come on, we're leaving." My twin says.

I sigh in disappointment of my brothers' ignorance yet I grab my stuff and begin to walk towards to exit, but not before I hear Adriano's voice ask,

"What are we going to do, Andy?"


"Don't call me that."


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