Roman & Alessandro

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Roman's POV:

New years was, interesting, to say the least. After Greyson kissed my baby sister, let's just say Julian was given some threats.

You can't shoot a 6 year old Roman.
You can't shoot a 6 year old

My cousins, uncle, aunt, Nonna and grandfather left the next day. Allie cried which was painful, but a nice, hot dish of ma's pasta was enough to calm her down.

I'm currently at my computer, working on a new security system for our network. Ours is the most advanced in the world, but it can always be upgraded.

All of a sudden, a message pops up.

Hello Roman. Get your father and connect to a screen, I'll know. Also improve the software :)

- Your messenger

He put a smiley face, the fuck?

I call dad,

"Is everything ok?"

"The messenger contacted me, he wants to speak to us. Can I come to your office?

"Yeah, I'm off the call."

I bring my computer to dad's office and knock.

"Come in Roman." Dad says.

I open the door and see Luca sitting on one of the chairs in front of the desk.

"Don't mind me. I was here first little bro." He says with a smirk.

"Yeah yeah, fuck the age difference." Dad snickers at my comment.

I connect my computer to the screen and after a few second, a messenger begins to appear.

Hello Lombardis. Happy new year.

I wish this message was sent under better circumstances, but I come with a warning. Protect Alina. They're coming for her, they know she's alive. This time they won't let her go. I see it in their eyes.

I will do my best to remove the threat from here, just do your part and protect her. I'll fight so she can live.

- Your messenger

Then the message disappeared.

"The asshat also sent me a smiley face telling me to improve my software."

"That's funny." Dad says.

"Whatever." I scoff

"But back to business, how did the hell did he find her?"

"Um, I don't know, maybe the majorly publicized party you threw for her?"

"Watch your tone Luca." Dad snaps back.


"Dad, I agree with him."

"It was supposed to protect her, not put her at risk."

"Alina's at risk?!"

"Damien Lombardi! Get your ass in here and close the door!" Dad shouts. Damien rushes in and sits on the couch.

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