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I don't remember the last time I was this happy, and it's all thanks to Цветок. My precious цветок has become my and my brother's whole world.
I think I'm beginning to understand why the Lombardi's are so family oriented. I feel at peace even in the worst of times knowing that she'll always be there for me even if I mess up like no one else ever has.
I want to make the world safe for her so she never has to be afraid ever again.
I want to become the most powerful so no one can touch her.

For the past two months, we've kept her locked away from the world. No one but a select few even know of her existence. She's safe and sound within the boundaries of her quarters, closely monitored at all times. I wish she could just stay up there forever. All she needs is me and Alexei. We provide her with everything she needs, so what's out there for her that we can't provide?

She needs to leave to have the childhood you never could. Let her go.

No. I can't.

She will forgive you with time.

She'd never forgive a monster like me. She has to stay or she'll never return.

You can set it right.

Who would love me?

The voice inside my mind can't give me the answer that we both know is true.

No one.

No one loves me. No one can love me but Цветок. I can't let her go. I refuse to.

It's unfortunate the majority of her life was spent how it was. Alexei and I didn't know any better and we had our own issues to deal with.
Do I regret it? Of course I do. If I just fought for her instead of being a coward like I always have been things would be so much different; so much better.
I honestly believe we were set up to fail. Nikolai killed her mother before the sun even rose on the night of Alina's birth. Then after doing whatever he did to her, we were handed the sleeping bundle that was our little sister. What were we supposed to do with a child when never even knew what it was like to be one? We made some mistakes along the way but that all will be erased from memory soon enough.
The process will be over shortly and all she will remember are happy memories of me and Alexei. Her time with those awful Lombardis will be nothing to her anymore and I will do everything in my power to ensure she will never hear of them or see their faces ever again. They stole her from me and now they will pay the price.

They didn't steal her.

She was taken away from me for eight months.

She was happy.

No she wasn't. If she's not with me she can't be happy.

She was safe.

She's safe here. She's safe with me.

They saved her.


They saved her, from YOU.

No! Stop it! STOP!

Pain shakes me from my thoughts and I feel warm liquid drip from my knuckles.

The black marble wall in front of me is slightly cracked with remnants of my blood.

A hesitant knock on the door drags my attention to the task at hand.


"The doctor is here." A maid says, her eyes downcast to the floor.

"Bring him in."

Unfortunately we've been facing issues as of late. Цветок's health is declining. She's younger than the age girls who usually receive the treatment start at. She's going to be five soon and the minimum age is eight. Our scientists have changed the dosage and intensity of the drug to make it safer, but it's beginning to take a toll on her.
Alina's growing weak and the lack of sunlight is harming her as well. It's taking longer to wake up each time she's injected and getting out of bed on her own has become a struggle. We can't stop the treatment though. We're so close and then she'll be perfect. We will be able to start all over from the first four years of her life. It'll be like it's always been this way.

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