Author's Note

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Hello my amazing readers. I hope you've liked what I've written so far because I don't know when I'll update again.

I'm really sad about this and feel awful but I've been having a lot of trouble trying to get this story together. I feel like it's all so messy and just mushed together so I apologize if it's felt that way for you as well.

I've been under a ton of stress recently between school and sports and it's just been a lot to handle. My midterm for a really hard class is coming up that I need to start studying for and of course with the luck that I have, uca nationals are around the corner and our routine is a mess so that extra stress is wonderful. (Note the sarcasm)

I've been unable to come up with ideas for the next chapters that will be leading up to an idea I'm absolutely obsessed with and I'm so excited to write. And it's also been really tough to even find the time to be able to just sit down and focus on the story.

I'll have an idea and write it down, but when I get back to it, I feel as if it doesn't make sense and you guys won't like it. I don't want to put out bad writing just to keep constant updates because I know it sucks when you're reading something great but have to wait weeks for the next chapter. It sucks and I wanted my readers to have a more enjoyable experience and I really apologize if it hasn't met those standards.

I signed up for a creative writing class that I'm sure will aid me in my writer's block and build my confidence in my work more.

Who knows, maybe at like 3 am I'll actually get a good idea and write. I'm so sorry about this and please don't lose interest because I promise more is coming.

Once midterms and my sports season is over, I'm sure the weekly update will be back. Just hang in another month!

Love you all a ton and I hope you understand.

I'm not telling you guys my school cause if any of you find out who I am I'll literally die of embarrassment but please root for us (or me) in spirit for nationals!

Expect slow updates from time to time because this is something I do to get my mind off things and is way more productive than just scrolling on Tiktok.

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