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I rest my elbows on my knees, staring down into my hands that delicately hold the necklace of my precious daughter.
The daughter I promised to protect.
The daughter I promised to always be there for.
The daughter I let down.

I'm sitting in a chair next to my bed. I look up from the locket and at my still unconscious wife. The rise and fall of her chest is the only thing that's giving me any sort of comfort right now.

My relatives have been notified of the situation and they're already on their way to America. Luca called as soon as I played the voice recording from Bianca.

It feels like it's been forever since my princess was taken from us even though I know it's been a few hours.

I haven't left my wife's bedside yet. I cried for a while. For my girls.
If Bianca were awake, we'd hold each other tight in a warm embrace. Instead I sit here, alone.

Then there's the matter of my brother and my "new" nephews: Alessio, Adriano, and of course Andreas who's all grown up now. As much as I'd love to at least get to know them a bit, we have more pressing matters to attend to. Family time will have to wait.

I deeply sigh and put the locket around my neck. I don't care that it's not in the slightest bit masculine, it will remain on me until I get my daughter back.
I tuck it beneath the collar of my shirt and kiss my wife's forehead.

"Come back to us soon amore mio." I whisper.

With that, I leave the room.

I hear voices coming from the lounge. As soon as I enter, all speaking ceases.

"Bianca is doing well. Her heartbeat is steady, her breathing normal. She will be awake soon." I say to no one in particular. My face is void of any emotion as is my voice.

"Uncle, may I have a word with you?" Andreas hesitantly ask.

I nod and begin to walk towards my office, hearing his footsteps follow me down the hallways.

I sit behind my large desk in my leather chair. My cold, business man persona keeps all my emotions hidden. My family does not need to see me break. Someone has to stay strong for them.


"My father is on his way. I tried to reason with him but he insists on coming here as soon as possible."

I have no reply. I knew he'd come.

"Is that all?"

He goes to speak, then stops himself. Interesting.


I nod, ignoring his hesitation.

"My father isn't the man he once was, uncle."

"Neither am I, Andreas."

With that, he leaves.

I remember when that kid was just a boy. His eyes were always filled with wonder and the pure innocence of childhood. That's long gone now.
It's crazy to think that almost 17 years has passed since that last time I saw him.

Valentina died years ago. I didn't have to ask questions about whether my nephews missed her or not.
She never cared for Andreas. She'd hand him off to a nanny whenever my parents weren't looking. I doubt she treated Alessio and Adriano any different.
Valentina was pregnant the last time we saw her so I knew I had a new niece or nephew out there. Looks like it was twin boys.

Stefano kept his children out of the public eye. All that was known was that he had at least one kid.
I only recognized who Andreas was because he's practically identical to what Stefano looked like at his age.

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