A confusing afterlife

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I have tried something different in this chapter, please be kind, this one is close to my heart! Do comment!


It had been half an hour since Aryans artival and the doctors were treating Imlie diligently, the doctors kept the family ianformed about the progress.

In the operating room-

Doc- looks like she is going into vfib , give me the paddles

Doc2- 1-2-3 come on mrs Rathod, you can do this , come back!

Doc-I think we should continue with the paddles, I'm sure she will respond

Doc2- she has lost too much blood! Should we start another transfusion?

Doc1- yes , let's do it! But keep trying the compression, we are not losing her today!

Imlie suddenly saw herself float above her body and fly away to a distant land , she felt no pain , no fear, or weakness, she was light as a feather and soft as fur. She could see her body on the operating table and the doctors who were working hard to save her! She suddenly entered a strange land in the clouds, she automatically joined a queue and waited for her turn at the counter. Imlie wondered where she was and tried remembering if she had been here before. Her turn finally arrived and she was greeted by a sweet gentleman at the booth.

Angel 1- hello Mrs Imlie is it?

I- yes, I'm imlie from Pagdandiya, sorry I don't know why I said it like that, I'm Mrs Imlie Aryan Singh Rathod, can you please tell me what is this place?

Angel 1- welcome to your afterlife! Please take this token and stand in the other queue! Thank you and have a blessed day! Next!

I- Afterlife? Do you mean to say I'm dead? That can't be I need to go back. My husband and kids are waiting for me. This must be a mistake. Send me back, right now!

Angel 1- Madame I don't make the rules here I only process the souls that come to the gate. My job is to give you a token and ask you to stand in one of these two queues. If you have any complains, please take it up with my manager! he will meet with you when you reach your turn after standing in that line. Thank you ! next!

Imlie was shocked, she couldn't believe anything that was happening around her , just then another angel appeared and smiled at imlie , before imlie could address him, he started speaking to the first angel in an irritated voice.

Angel 2- is this Imlie?

Angel 1- yes she is, what brings you here? Straight from the head office, this must be important!

An 2- yes it is important! What did you tell her?

An1- The usual , I welcomed her and gave her the token for the happy place!

An2- I don't understand when you will do your job right?! she's the one we were told about in the morning huddle!

An1-What! It's her? Oh God ! What did I do!! Oh no no no! do you think I'll get called upstairs? I joined just 200 years ago! I'm still a trainee

An1-I should have known you were a trainee, they really need to train you guys better! Wait now don't say a word, let me handle this!
Imlie was hearing the two talk loud and clear but pretended to not hear them at all and interjected their bickering with a question.

I- hello! Humka koi batayega, humka Yaha Kyu laya hai?

An2- hello Imlie! I hope you are having a blessed day!

I- huh?

An1- Im so sorry madam, please Meri complaint mat karna , you see I just finished my internship last week, I'm a trainee and still learning!

Arylie- A family is born part 3Where stories live. Discover now