Aditya's fate-2

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Aryan and CJ left early in the morning to meet someone at a predetermined spot deep in old Delhi. They were meeting, a contact from Mr. Chang. He arrived in a black SUV with tinted windows. His hair- black and a little greasy - was fake, as were his glasses, mustache, and uneven teeth. He looked fifty years old, but he was actually closer to thirty. Nobody knew the man's real name, but in the business he was in, a name was the last thing he could afford. He was known merely as "The Gentleman," and he was one of the highest-paid and most successful tormentors in the world.

He had been given his nickname because he always sent flowers to the family of his victims. But there would be no flowers this time only devastation that would rain on Aryans adversary. Aryan made a wire transfer to an untraceable account in Cayman Islands and showed "the gentleman" that the money was deposited. Aryan and CJ then left for the location "the gentleman" had asked them to meet . Cj and Aryan spoke as they drove to the location.

CJ- Are you sure you want to go through this?

Ar-Yes I am

CJ-But why not just eliminate him completely, why have you chosen this fate for him?

Ar-Because death would be a very kind and Mr Tripathi deserves no kindness! CJ I will understand if you would rather not be a part of this! What I'm about to do is a morally corrupt act but also  what he deserves and I have to do this for my family! You don't need to be here my friend!

CJ-I think you keep forgetting, They are my family too now! On a Lighter note, I'm planning on asking Shal to marry me tonight! I already asked for Ammas blessings the other day, that women is the sweetest!

Ar- Yes, Amma is amazing, I have always been in awe of her! A Proposal that is big! I mean it's great, officially welcome to our madhouse, I guess!

CJ-Hahah thanks man! I would not be here if you hadn't pushed me to accept my feelings for Shal

Ar-I only did what my Jungli has taught me over the years

CJ-Can I ask you? Why you call her that? It's ok if you rather not say, I don't mean to pry!

Ar-Nah it's no big secret! Jungli is someone who lives in the wild! And the world has always treated Imlie like the wild treats it's young - she was tested , pushed rather than lifted, at every step and berated for every single mistake but never celebrated for her achievements but still she managed to hold her own and became a queen of that Jungle! She never lost her innocence, her impeccable sense of duty and warrior like quality when it comes to protecting others in need and the truth!

Cj-And? Sorry I feel like you were about to say one more thing!

Ar-Yah I was, if you haven't noticed, she's bit of a wild child with a wild heart, and that's why she had my trust from the start, and then my heart!

Cj-Wow man! look at you all crazy in love after so many years!

Ar-I only see things in terms of "what are," no start or end. I guess that's a kind of pragmatism. I cannot conceptualise them as a passage or journey - that complicates things. My head has so many puzzles to solve. Love has to remain simple and pure, easy and kind. And that that is Imlie for me pure kind and being fortunate enough to be loved by her has meant over the years! So, Moment, eternity... they are the same to me when it comes to her!

Cj-I hope Shal and I can share something like that one day!

Aditya was on his way to the airport and suddenly realized that his driver was taking an unfamiliar route. He protested but the driver assured him that he knew of a shortcut. Aditya's plan was to return to India after all the legal hassles were put to rest in Australia, this time he planned to bring back with a disease and to guilt Imlie into letting Chini meet him and then win her trust again. It would be hard and a slow process but Aditya was determined, he knew how big of a heart Imlie had! if not Imlie, he at least wanted his daughter by his side at any cost. The taxi finally came to a sudden halt on an abandoned road near the highway. The driver pointed his gun at Aditya and asked him to get down .

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