A spat and a brother

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The next day rolled in and Aryan was about to leave with CJ to deal with Aditya. Aditya was to be freed on bail and Mr. Jagganath had a court date set for the next day itself . Aryan met Aditya as he was still in jail while his lawyer was submitting his final bail papers.

Ar-Hello Mr. Tripathi, How was your stay in the prison cell?


Ar-Surprised that I am still alive?

Ad-Looks like hell is not well manned, the fact that they let a mongrel like you out, confirms it!

Ar-Yes, I was in hell but one of your design!

Ad-Huh, looks like you need to be sent back there!

Ar-Wow! You are more delusional than I thought, take a look around you! Look Where has your obsession and hate has brought you! You were asked to love. You were asked to protect Chini and have a chance at being her father, being chivalrous. What you did was hunt with the glee of a demon pack. So, take a look around you. If you can't see the walls closing in, you soon will. And that is my promise to you!

Ad-I have seen your promises Mr. Rathod, you promised to take care of Imlie and then left her on the streets for 5 years!

Ar- Don't you dare take her name! Or I will murder you right here! She was always a toy to you! And whatever happened between us is none of your business!

Ad-Say whatever you want to justify your actions but you betrayed her just as I did then how are we different? At least I was manipulated into my actions, you let her go for a mistake you thought she made, you threw her out for what? For losing her own child, in an accident? And you claim to love her? why? Because she saved you from marrying Malini and returned to you with another baby?

Ar-Keep my kids out of this !

Ad-But they are the reason right? they are the reason you welcomed Imlie back into your life? Your motives for marrying her were selfish, your letting her go was selfish and bringing her back into your life was also selfish! What I was doing was merely freeing her from your web of lies and deceit!

Ar- You know nothing about our relationship!

Ad-But I do! I very well do Mr. Rathod! You see I was the one Imlie leaned on when you heartlessly kicked her out! I was the one that consoled her all those years! I was the one who gave her courage to stand again! So what is so wrong if I came to claim what was mine....or should I say is mine!

Ar-Imlie is not some thing to be yours or mine you bastard! And not is my Miss sugar!

Ad-Dont call her that! She has a name, and she is my daughter, you have brainwashed her into believing that you are somehow this great protector and father when all you did was use her! You used my baby girl to weasel your way back into Imlie's life and to this day you use her! You pretend to love her in front of Imlie so she believes you are a good person but you are a snake! And I am the only one who sees you for what you truly are!

Ar-What do you know of being a father! You abandoned her even before she came into this world and I had the front row seat to what you did with Imlie...so stop with your lies and mental games, for I see right through them!

Ad- I am the one who truly cares for them!

Ar-Did you care for Imlie when at 7 months pregnant you told her, her husband had died? Was it fun for you, watching her suffer? Did it fill your cup with cold malice? Did you get a buzz of power when she cried and fell on the floor in pain? Did it give you pleasure when she begged for seeing me in the hospital? Don't answer. I don't give a damn what you have to say, how you make cruelty alright with twisted logic.

Ad- If my logic is so twisted, why do you know, in your heart that you have been Imlie's tormentor too? Am I right Mr Rathod? Dont' look away that only confirms your guilt!

CJ who was overlooking their conversation thought to himself- "The gateway to hell is an individual portal for each passenger, for it is built of their emotional indifference and eroded by both their sense of love and their positive karma. And this man! This Aditya Tripathi has found his or rather, earned it." Aditya had gotten under Aryan's skin, Imlie's suffering and her difficult pregnancy played in his mind and threw him in a boiling rage for Aditya. Aryan eyes had turned red in anger. They were his shield and sword. The soul translation of his angry eyes said "I have activated my emotional indifference. I could kill and not care one bit. So back off." Cj realized that he needed to  have great self control in how, when and to whom it is deployed. For such stares are a deliberate removal of the sense of safety, a warning as clear as a drawn sword.

Aryan leaned into the cell and caught Aditya's collar and began choking him, Aditya played the victim and pleaded the police to release him as he feared his death. The police inspector, Mr. Jagganath and Cj rushed to pull Aryan away and Aditya smiled as he saw his opponent in jail...........a jail of his own mind.

I- Mr. Rathod this is not your boxing ring! Its a police station, this is your last warning! Dont think just because you are friendly with the Commissioner I will tolerate your rowdy behaviour!

J- Mr. Rathod! I strongly suggest you Get a hold of yourself, if you don't want to swap places with him! I will not have my clients misbehaving in here!

Cj- Aryan control yourself!

Ar- Im ok now, let me go..let go CJ!!! I will beat him to a pulp today!

J- Mr. Rathod, snap out of it! This is exactly what he wants! He wants to get a violent reaction from you which will only make his case stronger. Son I need you to see that, if not for your sake then for Imlie's!

Ar-I am sorry, you are right, I have one last thing to say to him though, I promise I will behave

Jagganath let go of Aryans arms and allowed him to talk to Aditya one last time, while he kept a watchful eye.

Ar- All those years ago, Imlie gave you love and you abused it. And now, Miss Sugar gave you love and respect and wanted to give you so much more but you abused it!. Am I angry? No. I'm bitter and that's worse. Angry is over fast, bitter lasts.

Aditya was finally released and left for the hotel with his lawyer. Aryan looked defeated and ashamed at his behavior, and CJ decided to talk to him on their way home. Aryan knew he had to get better at controlling his anger around Aditya but even the mere mention of his name would cause him to go in a blind rage.

Cj- Aryan, I can't heal you, but I can help you to heal yourself. You need to calm down and reflect. In the stillness, you can let the tornado that is your pain slow down, perhaps stop. It is in these times you can begin to take steps forwards, to learn that life is okay. People around you do care, but you need to heal from within if it's to last.

Ar- Hmmm but how?

Cj-That skitter-skatter mind of yours is looking for solutions, a way to live in peace and thrive. It is the reason for your lack of focus. Your mind is powerful and it will devote itself to finding a way forward that works for you. You need to focus on what is important- Justice for your family and securing a safe future for them! Everything else is secondary, unimportant even!

Ar- But I get so angry!

Cj- Self control is a finite resource because the part of the brain exerting control gets tired - it requires energy and that gets depleted. So, the repressing of anger needs careful thought. If it is boiling up, how will it be cooled? If it explodes, whom bares the brunt? Because they psyche under seige,how you deal with your anger is vital. It is as steam in a pressure cooker, you have to find a way to let it out in a safe manner. Keep your anger for the boxing ring, not for the real world! finding inner peace expands your endurance and ability for self control. As such, they are a winning combination.

Ar- You are right! I havent meditated in days now and I think I need to get back to that, thank you for being here CJ, you didnt need to come but you did!

Cj- Aryan stop with the sorries and thank you, those dont have a place between brothers!

They were brothers, for better or worse. That bond is a sort of union of souls, a feeling that to lose the other would be worse than death. They were the ones who carried their soul beneath the gruffness and often crude humor. Whatever came, Aryan knew Cj would be there for him and his family. That reliability, that trust, built him up and sustained him in times like this.

Arylie- A family is born part 3Where stories live. Discover now