Chapter 37: The Wedding Crash and an Explosion of Love!

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The day has finally come.

The Eris church in Axel was about to witness the biggest wedding disaster in history.

The influential people from Axel and other towns were all present. Nobles from all over the country were chatting without a care in the world.

The Dustiness family was one of if not the biggest and most influential noble house in Belzerg, so even nobles from neighboring countries showed up to witness the event.

Even though everyone knew it was a sham.

Okay, maybe not everyone. The adventurers gathered in front of the guarded entrance to the church were here only to gawk at Darkness wearing something other than a suit of armor.

When the rowdy church finally quieted down, the door to the bridal room opened, and Darkness wearing a pure white gown and a veil covering her head, emerged from within. Seeing as her father was unwell, Hagen was the one to accompany her down the aisle.

Everyone's eyes instantly became glued to the stunningly beautiful Darkness, as she slowly walked with her head hung low.

Shortly after, a white tuxedo appeared out of the groom's room. The one wearing that was none-other than the landlord, Alexei Barnes Aldarp himself, in all his fat glory.

Without even an ounce of shame, he kept his eyes glued to Darkness like the rest of the people present. His mouth was half open and he could barely walk. He was like a predator eyeing his prey. Only Hagen's dry cough snapped the landlord out of the trance.

The two of them continued in silence down the aisle toward the altar. The church's organs started playing solemn music, probably the total opposite of what Darkness felt in that moment.

The time for the vows had finally come, when the soon-to-be husband and wife reached the altar and came before us.

That's right, us.

"Do you, Darkness, take this old man who's so fat that he's sweating oil, to be your wedded husband, in defiance of my wish as a goddess? Do you promise to love this old man, comfort this old man, honor and keep this old man in sickness and in health, safekeeping your virginity from this old man as long as you both shall live? You can't do it, right? Well then, I want to go home together with Darkness and eat the dishes made by Y/N and drink all I want..."

After this out of place speech, everyone's shocked gaze focused on the priest standing before the altar. The priest that was hired by Hagen to gift the blessings to this wedding, and the priest with the highest ranked holy job – Aqua-sama.

"In my opinion, it would've been cooler if we waited for the perfect moment, barged in at the last second and shouted 'I object!'... But that works too, I guess." I deactivated Deadly Camouflage to reveal myself, standing beside the altar.

"You're spending way too much time with that loli, Y/N." Kazuma appeared behind Aqua and said something unnecessary.

"...? What? Y-You're the woman who gave me a ton of trouble in my house! What are you doing? Why are you here?" The landlord finally came to his senses and his furious eyes landed on someone other than Darkness.

Speaking of our noble lady, she was not doing good at processing what was happening. Her mouth gaping open and shut, as she kept staring between the three of us.

Using the sudden chaos to his advantage, Kazuma swiftly grabbed Darkness' hand and took off.

"W-What have all of you done...? Aqua... Y/N... K-Kazuma! K-Kazuma, let go of me! Just what are you two planning to do? This is no joking matter! Barging into the wedding ceremony between nobles will end in nothing short of execution! What foolish thing have you done-?!" Finally recovering from her shock, Darkness started yelling things at Kazuma, before getting cut off.

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