Chapter 42: Time to Start this Festival with a Snack!

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"Do you think I'd be able to fit an entire orange in my mouth?"

"... What?"

One week left until the festival.

Aside from preparing for that day, our party and the rest of the adventurers were hunting monsters every morning. The reason being, to ensure the success of the festival. That cicadas expedition was only but a tease of our diligent week.

Strangely, Kazuma didn't seem too bothered by the morning monster hunting, leaving me as the only complaining one.

Speaking of Kazuma. He's become an official advisor to the merchant district committee. Because of this, he's rarely home; busy with hatching out ideas on how to make the festival a great success.

Once, he came home and asked Darkness to approve his idea of 'Heat Stroke Prevention and Goddess Aqua Thanksgiving Festival Summary'. In short, it was just an excuse for woman to wear bikinis during the festival.

Darkness, being the politically inexperienced temporary lord she was, agreed to his plan...

"I've been thinking about it for some time now. You know that fruit basket that's on the kitchen table? It's just a thought that appeared in my head once. I've been eyeing those oranges and thinking 'what if?'."

"I... I don't think you should go about putting things into your mouth, like that. And aren't those fruits meant for Emperor Zell? Aqua will cry if you eat them."

"This changed nothing."

The house has been pretty peaceful during this preparation week. It was one of those rare moments when it didn't feel like a psychiatric ward.

Aqua was away, running errands with other Axis cultists preparing for the festival.

Darkness, as the temporary lord, had her hands full of paperwork regarding the festival preparations. Because of that, she's locked herself in her room, and there was no hint of her coming out any time soon.

With Kazuma at the merchant's committee, it meant that Megumin and I had essentially the entire house to ourselves.

Of course, certain thoughts popped up in my head, but being the cautious and thoughtful me, I didn't want to risk anything. Especially Darkness deciding to leave her room at the exact moment things would get good. Also, I didn't want to jump into having this kind of relationship with Megumin so soon.

I mean, if she were to propose the idea, then...

"Just think about it. Would I be able to fit an entire orange in my mouth?"

An exasperated sigh sounded from the spot on the couch next to me. Megumin rested on the couch, drained from using her Explosion magic on the monsters this morning.

Petting Chomusuke on her lap, she replied:

"I guess... if you really, really tried, you might be able to. But why? Are you trying to win something? Did you make a bet with Kazuma again?"

"Okay, last time it was my fault. I should've known better than to challenge that lucky bastard..."

"Do people still call you 'Y/N the wicked', 'The underpants assassin', 'the-'"

"Stop, stop talking! Please, don't remind me! Ugh... I want to die... It was just half an hour..."

"At least the police weren't involved."

"You're not helping..."

Buried by the sudden wave of embarrassment, I sank deep into the couch.

Sometimes I question whether my intelligence stat really is higher than Aqua's...

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