Chapter 47: Training Arc and Goblin Slaying!

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"C-Can you... Help me change my clothes? P-Please...?"


"... What? W-Why are you staring at me like that?"

She couldn't be for real. There was just no way. I mean, I get that we kind of did couple's stuff in the past and all, but that was just taking advantage of my weak will at this point.
And I swear the moon was a paid actor for shining on her red face like that.

"Ahem! M-Maybe you haven't heard me, Y/N. Help. Me. Change. My. Clothes. Pleaseee?"


"... Pretty please?"


"Oh, you're such a- Why not?!"

The girl who just a few seconds ago was telling me she wasn't feeling too good to change her clothes herself was now throwing a fit like a whining child. The fact that she even asked proved to me that giving in, as tempting as it was, was a bad choice.

"Why not? Maybe because you won't remember a thing in the morning because you're so drunk?!"

Suddenly, Megumin averted her gaze at my retort, attempting to play coy.

"H-Hey now, I just wanted you to help me change! Who said anything about getting intimate all of a sudden?"

"Oh, right. Because you're so innocent that you totally haven't thought about that, and you don't actually suck like a vacuum cleaner."

"W-What are you insinuating, Y/N?! I'm a pure and innocent maiden who's been just corrupted by your perverted ways! Also, what's a vacuum cleaner?"

"Yeah right. Anyway, you have no idea how much I'm actually holding back to give in to your little tempations, you succubus of a girlfriend!"

"Argh! You did it again! You compared me to those women of the night again! Say that again and I'll explode you on the spot!"

With her half-baked threat, Megumin got up on her knees on the bed, trying to put on a fighting stance. I said 'trying', because that's a stance Aqua would take when someone tried to steal her booze.

"Then get out of bed and do it. I dare you. Or are you not Megumin the Dragon Slayer of the Crimson Demons?"

I taunted, with my arms crossed.

"So you're gonna play like that, huh, Y/N? Very well. Be prepared, dear lover, for tis' the last time thy have insulted my-"

Just as she stood up from the bed, the alcohol once again reminded her of its presence and she landed face first on the floor. That was the second time this evening.

"Do you want a bucket?"

"... Y-Yes please."

- After looking over the puking mage, it seemed like the alcohol was exiting her body the more she threw up. I held her hair so she wouldn't get it dirty with her vomit while scolding her for drinking so much in the first place.

I know it was ironic for me to scold her, given my track record with alcohol, but whatever; she was too focused on complaining like a middle-aged man during a hangover to care.

"Life is suffering, Y/N... Why did you let me drink? This is horrible..."

"Yeah, yeah, let it all out."

"Why do people drink this stuff? It's not fun at all... Ugh..."

"Yeah, yeah, it's not, right?"

"I hate it; it's hard to drink in the first place... And it makes me sick."

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