Chapter 45 Bits by Bits

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Maricella stared at the vixen's face before looking back to Martha. She still wants to know more about what the oracle has foreseen, but she guesses it can wait until this fiasco is all cleared up. Damn that Godly king! She hates it when things are forced on her. This scene almost resembled the moment she met Dalton. At that time, she tried her best not to give in to the magical pull, but in the end, they still end up marrying each other. A painful feeling thug in her heart when she remembered him. She wishes she could be back again in his arms. If only this damn King didn't show up in her life, she would still be with her one true love. Maricella can't even understand how Theo got so lucky to gain access to a rare book that gave him absolute power beyond any of their kind. She can't believe that he's the last remaining King, and his demise will end the existence of the entire vampire race. It's hard to admit, but she has to help him and nothing will change the first impressions he molds in her heart. In her eyes, he's a selfish, self-centered blood-sucking creature. She hates him for hurting her loved ones and un-bonding her to her real mate. His treatment towards her wasn't even compared to those royal Kings in the mortal realm. She and Martha stood out of bed while Moira widely pushed the door walking in front of them. She led the two on the staircase down to a spacious patio. The castle is a beauty representing regality and history. If things didn't turn out like this, she would admire it more, but the fact that this castle is a reminder that it's a cell restraining Maricella's freedom pushes her admiration aside. Following Moira's lead, they walk and turn to the right. The vixen glances at them when she stops in front of a large oak door. Using her both hands she opens the door revealing a beautifully adorned Comedor, in the middle of the great dining hangs a sparkling chandelier. Maricella noticed the intense gaze of Godly King Sitting who was at the end of the table. She felt a shiver run down her spine when both pairs of eyes met, and she quickly narrowed her sight elsewhere, not liking how her body reacts to his stare.

Damn mate thing!

"My Lord, they are here," Moira announced, making her smirk. She doesn't need to say it anymore because that Lord already knows and even saw them the moment she opened that damn door.
Damn! what's up with the formality?
It's not like they were in a medieval time.
For goodness sake, it's already in the 21st century?!

" Sit," He casually commanded them which brought her back to the present. For a brief moment, those old movies made by mortals about how the rich, landlord, Earl, king, and queens are regarded with high respect went flashing inside her head. Urg?! She rolled her eyes, hating how things are going on. Following the Lord's command, she was about to sit next to Martha, but to her surprise, a hand halts her and she was pushed to sit next to the godly king. Maricella pulled her arms back and sneered at Moira.

" Will you stop forcefully yanking me around?! Damn it! As you can see I have two feet and I can walk by myself. Just tell me where I need to be." Maricella shouted out, her eyes glistening, ready to fight back if the vixen tries to hurt her. When the latter doesn't do anything, and she seems somewhat dazed while staring straight into her eyes, Maricella calls it off. She was about to pull the chair in front of her, but surprisingly, Moira snapped out of her stupor and forcefully grabbed her arms again.

" You better be careful with your words, woman. I-"

" That's enough! " That Godly King's voice boomed inside the dining hall, cutting the words that Moira was about to say. The vixen quickly let go of Maricella's hand. She bowed down at perfect ninety degrees.

" Forgive me, my lord. I shall take my leave." After saying it Moira left, and Maricella can finally sit without somebody halting her. A man in a waiter uniform appears out of the darkness lighting up the dinner candle on the dining table and bringing human food for them to eat. She glanced at the godly King. Her brows are furrowed, not understanding why the hell they're going to eat human food when, in fact, everyone that is present in the room is not human. For her it's not a big problem,  she loves eating human food and was accustomed to it since birth but to others and with this King? She can't understand it at all. Their meal is supposed to be fresh blood, not like this. Noticing that Maricella hadn't touched her food she heard him speak.

"Eat," He commanded, in a colder voice. She wanted to snap at him but her stomach grumbled and was reminded of her unborn child. She forced herself to eat to regain strength and to supply nutrition to her baby. Even if she doesn't know if her child will crave blood or just like her who can eat mortal food it doesn't matter anymore as long as she and her child can eat and survive. When the attendant came back filling their empty glasses with crimson liquid, Maricella grimaced, thinking it might be blood. But once the exquisite scent of crimson liquid poured into her glass, she was in awe. It wasn't blood but red wine. No. To be exact, it was a Rose Wine. A small laugh escaped her lips as she glanced at him in amusement.

" So, are you always like this all the time? Tell me, did you miss your old life? Deep In your heart, did you regret the biggest mistake of your life?" She mocked him, which made his silver eyes glisten in the darkness. He clenches his teeth while his hand forms into a fist. Maricella wanted to taunt him more satisfied with his reaction, but the pleading look in Martha's eyes took her attention and made her stop. Somehow she saw a relief flood Martha's face when the Godly King let it slide and started digging in his food again as if nothing happened.

After the meal, she and Martha were told to follow him to the other room, which looked like an office with a library inside. The room has so many books in every corner, and it's not just any old book but probably ancient books that perk her attention. As a bookworm and a sucker for history if the situation is just different she would not hesitate to ask if she can read them all. One particular book caught her attention. It's embellished with beautiful ancient writing, and by the looks of this book, it is somewhat telling me that it is the Book of Knowledge that Martha mentioned to her earlier this evening. A tempered glass protected it, and there was a laser surrounding the book. It would take a lot of bravery for someone who wants to snatch that book from him, and she bet he won't hesitate to kill somebody who tries to steal it away. It is a pricey possession that money can't buy. It's the origin of why humans and immortals exist. Maricella was brought back to reality when she heard him speak.

" Martha, you are dismissed. I will talk to you tomorrow." He commanded with his face void of emotion. Martha bowed her head, saying, " Yes, my lord.." before retreating to the door. Maricella wondered why he changed his idea of talking to both her and the oracle. Now she feels nauseated knowing she is left alone again with him. The last time it happened is still fresh in her mind the hair all over her body stood up. She stood upright when she heard the clicking sound as the door shut closed. She saw him stalking her with an intense gaze. His gray orbs are glistening in the dark. Maricella took a step back each time he tried to close the distance between them. She only stopped when her back felt the hard door behind her.
She cursed inside her head that there was no more space to back away.
Damn it! I'm trapped again! A small annoying smirk escapes his lips as he finds her situation quite amusing.
"What's the problem? I prinkípissá you, got no place to go?" His deep voice sounded so calm yet so dangerous. Even though his face lacks emotion, his eyes convey something she can't decipher. He stopped just a few steps away from her. He raises his hand, wanting to caress her cheeks, but she quickly averts her face.
" Don't touch me! " She shouted, feeling disgusted. He stopped midway, his hand formed in a first. She sighed inside her head when she saw he had retreated his hand.
" Who do you think you are to stop me? Aren't you supposed to obey and do whatever I want? Are you not scared of the consequence of your action?." He speaks calmly like a silence before the storm.
" No. I'm not scared of you. I don't care what you feel, and I hate you for taking away my freedom. I hate you for un-bonding me with my real mate!" She spat at him. Hearing words obeying him made her feel so mad. Maricella doesn't care anymore if he hurts her. Who does he think he is demanding her to obey him?! She'd rather die if that meant she could be free from his grasp. Maybe there's no hope for her and her unborn child. Maybe in the afterlife, she can be with Dalton in peace. Being here, not knowing what will happen next, is very dreadful. Anger flickered in his eyes as he grasped both of her hands. He pinned her to the door.

" You better listen to me, my little princess. You are mine now, and no one else can have you other than me! " He states his claim possessively sniffing her hair before grazing his teeth down to the crooked of her neck. A surging pain emitted on the side of her neck when she felt his fang dig into her skin. Her knees wobble, and slowly her body becomes weak. Her head seems light from losing so much blood. Black dots clouded her vision until her world stopped. Maricella didn't know what happened next as she welcomed the feeling of darkness away from her nightmare.

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