Chapter-10 Vision of Him

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As I head my way back to my room, I saw Abi at my doorstep waiting for me.
She gave me a slight smile, I know she was uncomfortable with what just happened this afternoon...
"Hey... Let's get inside" I muttered and open the door, letting her in first.
She looks around my room before glancing back at me...
" Care to share your little secret with your best friend?" she asks teasingly.
I took a deep breath before facing her, we sit next to each other On the edge of my bed.
"I thought you were going to be angry at me or feel uneasy about what you witnessed this afternoon, thank Goodness my speculation is wrong" I hug her in relief but she quickly pulled me out.
"what?! are you crazy?
I will never think bad about you, duh...? Where best friend ?!"
She rolled her eyes and continue.
"I know already, starting from yesterday that you're acting weird. So don't wait too long and just spill the beans. My ears are itching already to hear the news "
I laugh at her crazy antics, she's always like that trying to make things into jokes...
"Ok. Ok... " I put my hands up as a sign of surrender, she nods and crosses her arms around her chest waiting impatiently for me to spill the beans.
"Well, it started the day before, when a friend of my mom visit us, she read my future and wallah!!! I found out that my soulmate is here, and_______"
"Woah....hold on" she cut me mid-sentence with a snap in her face
" Are you saying to me that you also consulted an Oracle?!" she rolled her eyes in disbelief
" ok, go on...Continue ..." She waves her hand as a sign for me to continue.
" yes... My mom did ."
"It's her idea, not that I like it.." I mumble.
"And so as I journey to here, I slept on the bus and had this crazy dream that someone is staring at me intently, but then I woke up, and there I found this "New friend" William that you met today ...
After we parted ways I decided to have a walk in the facility of the Academy and
I accidentally bump into somebody " I stop and rolled my eyes before continuing my story.
"Boom!! I start to feel all this crazy stuff and last night  he claim that I'm his soulmate
right here in my room..."
The last sentence just freaks her out.
"Ohh, my god! He came in your room?!" angrily she stood up.
" That jerk! He will pay for this" she stamps her feet and marches to the door but I manage to pull her back to the bed.
"Abi it's alright he didn't do anything to me...we just talk "I lie a bit.
"Are you sure?"
" Yes ... "reassuring her, hoping she won't hint at the lie.
"wait, how can he come over here? Have you forgotten to lock your door?" she asked curiously.
"Nope... He shifts.."
" What?! " Abi got exaggerated again.
" hold on, listen to me first, I only found out today while you left me with him.."I look at her with a murderous stare before continuing what I'm saying.
"That he's a Demon prince..."
She gasps and put her hands on her mouth to hold her scream.
" I know it's freaking crazy...." I said to her.
It's probably not a good thing to tell her about my Demon mate.
But she starts to hug me to my surprise...
"oh my god Ella, He a demon prince?! Ohh how I wish I can find a prince here too,
Damn! I'm so happy but at the same time jealous of you...! Ohh how I wish my soulmate will appear soon... " she said dreamingly. I just rolled my eyes in disbelief ...
"so how's the talking going?" she asked again afterward, I  feel awkward about her question but still answer it.
" I accepted him..." I saw her eyes come big.
" I know what you think...
But jeez... I can't say no in front of him... It's the same, if I say something that will hurt him, I felt it too.
It's like a knife cutting through my heart.." I sigh and let my body fall on the bed...
It's true, this strange bond me and Dalton have is allowing me to feel his emotion. I just can't ignore it, if his happy somehow my heart is filled with joy too.
"It's fine Ella... Don't think too much "she smiled understandingly.
" I think I would do the same or maybe do more crazy stuff than you..." She smiled reassuring me.
I smiled back, thank god I have a very good friend who understands me the most ...
After we talk our girls talk.
We headed to the canteen inside the dormitory to eat dinner...
After that, we parted ways and go to our room...
I decided to take a shower before going to bed...
Today was a very exhausting day and right now all I wanted is to relax...
I open the water to fill the bathtub when I'm satisfied with the warmth, I poured on some essential oil, and bubble bath soap my favorite scent is rose...
I feel good after soaking my body under the warm water.
I stayed there for an hour before deciding to go up and dried myself with the towel and put on my shirt and pajama...
As I open the door from the bathroom I saw Dalton standing at the window looking outside...
His masculine scent fills my nose ...
Looking at him standing there with his arm across his chest, I just can't help but be overwhelmed by how good-looking he is.
Wearing jeans and a shirt he looks so fresh it seems like he just had a shower too...
I flinch when I heard him clear his throat. He turns around to face me with a smile on his face...
"Have I satisfied your eyes, my dear sweet angel?"He teased turning around with a smirk looming on his freshly shaved face.
Damn it! I'm busted!
I felt my cheek heat up from the embarrassment but I tried to hide it with a question.
"why are you here ?" not answering my question,
He walks closer to me and I automatically step back.
Damn, I still can't handle the situation. I don't know what to do when his near me.
He lifted his hand to touch my face, and I'm just standing there staring back at him.
I can see in those eyes the desire and longing to be near me.
Just like what I feel toward him...
I didn't know falling in love is like this.
Like you wanted the time to stop and cherish the moment you have with him...
"I came by just to see your face before I sleep and say goodnight " he muttered full of emotion...
Ohh my... His so honest I can't sense any lies. I don't know how to react,
" you don't need to say anything, my sweet angel, "
It's just then I remember that he can read my thoughts, and I felt deceived it's not fair...
Why does he the only that can do that?!
It's so annoying.
" Well then you saw me already, you may go now...Good night..."I angrily walk past him and head to my bed, but to my surprise, I heard him laugh.
I glance back at him and saw his grinning face as he walk towards me and seated next to me in my bed ...
"Why are you laughing? What's so funny?" I asked him.
" I'm sorry I can't help it... You're cute when you're angry. Do you want me to teach you a little trick?" He asked teasingly...
" what is it?" I asked curiously.
"If it's a joke, I won't talk to you even if you're going mad or crazy for a whole week.." I warn him, he starts to laugh again.
God..looking at him laughing so naturally make my heart filled with joy although I'm still annoyed that he can read my mind.
His laughter is like humming the music to my ears I can just listen to him laugh the whole day...
"No, my sweet angel. I'm giving you access to my mind.." he brings his finger and points it to his temple.
" All I think, all I feel, I am giving you access to it, we can communicate with our mind too.."
It was like a bomb when his words finally sink into my mind.
I can't believe his giving me access to his mind...
"Are you sure?" I wanted to know if this is a real thing.
" yes I'm sure " he messes up my hair.
"oh don't do that I'm not a kid" I muttered in protest he laugh again.
" if you want and if you trust me I will show it to you now"
" ok ... Show me how then..?" I was thrilled.
" Ok just lay down and closed your eyes and just follow my voice, can you do that?" He asked me
I nodded at him and close my eyes.
" Now try to visualize a door in your mind...can you see it?"I nodded.
"Open the door Maricella"
I saw the door and open it, as I open it, flashes of me sleeping on the bus, me walking on the campus, me sleeping in my bed, the fight we had, the kisses and hugs, and now I can feel also what his feeling right now ohh Sweet Jesus... It is so much for me to handle...
He's been so lonely for a very long time. I felt sad 
" Now Maricella I need you to open your eyes when you hear the click of my hand"
I heard the click and then I woke up.
I looked him in the eyes and start to cry for no reason.
I hugged him tight...
"shush, Calmed down... I'm here, I love you ... Everything is ok now.." He murmured nice words to my ears to ease me down and surprisingly it worked! his soft caress on my back soothes me so that I felt sleepy...
he noticed it quickly and laid me down on my bed.
"Sleep my sweet angel, I'm staying right here by your side, I won't leave you.." His voice was full of sincerity.
I smiled and hold his hands as I drifted away...
I didn't know doing such a thing makes you so tired... the last thing I felt is a warm Kiss on my cheek...

I'M IN LOVE WITH A DEMON PRINCEOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz