Chapter-20 (TOO FAST)

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I wake up from a warm caress on my cheek... I open my eyes and saw Dalton staring at me.
He bent down and kiss my lips.
"How are you my sweet angel?" he asked worriedly
Confused I asked him why?
"Why did something wrong happen to me?" I went into a sitting position to check myself when flashes of the event last night came back to me...
"What time is it?"
I glanced back to Dalton who has a growing confusion written all over his face...
"past one o'clock in the Morning sweet angel....are you alright? Do I need to ask somebody to check on you?" He asked worriedly and confused.
"No, I'm fine just a memory lapse for a second..."I reach his face to calm him down, he took a deep breath and sits next to me...
He embraced me and kissed my head...
"Don't worry we don't need to have one. I won't force you to do something that I know you're not ready to do..."
Suddenly I felt my chest become heavy and then tears fall from my eyes... I start to cry on his shoulder, it is too much for me... All these things happen to me so fast I didn't have a chance to be myself...
This damn!!! Pulled making me a person that wasn't me...
Suddenly I woke up one day and my freedom is gone...
It was snatched from me...

Later I'm gonna be married and after a month they wanted me to conceive a baby...
How about me?
How about what I want?
I wanted to finish my studies so I can prove to everyone that looking down on me because I'm a lowly abnormal breed of vampire I can be someone more than what they expect me to be...
I cried and cried until it was just a sob..and then I calmed down he whispered soothing words to me caressing my back up and down...
When I'm finally ready to face him I look up at his face.
I saw how sad he is I felt bad that maybe he thought I don't wanna be with him or have a baby with him...
It's not it...
I was just shocked, commanding me to do something wasn't my thing.
I want to do things of my own free will...
" I'm sorry...." Those were the only words I can say... He smiled at me but those smiles never reach his eyes...
"You don't need to say sorry to me sweet angel..., it was me who needed to say sorry...
I'm sorry I wasn't good enough for you.
I'm sorry I gave you more problems than happiness.
I'm sorry for everything...
I can't change what happened already but I promise to make our future happiness...
Will you still love me and be with me ?" I move away from his embrace.
Quickly he felt hurt by my action he mistakenly thought I'm rejecting him,
I raise my hand and cupped his face. He look at me full of hurt, scared, and loneliness...
Those jet-black eyes of his make me realize one thing, I can never walk away from him, I love him so much that thinking of not being with him makes my heart aches a million times...
Just Seeing how scared he is thinking I would be leaving him makes my heart shattered into pieces...
I love him...
It doesn't matter what the future brings, as long as I'm with him I'll be fine.
Looking straight into his eyes I whispered "I love you, Dalton...I won't leave you no matter what..." I saw thousands of emotions flicker in his eyes...
He hugged me and then kissed me passionately like with that kiss he can describe how much he needed me, how much he loves me... I returned he kissed me the same way he kissed me...
I moan in delight... I start to brush his hair with my hands while he starts to feel my body.....he then starts to kiss me on my neck down to my collarbone...
Ohh god it felt good his warm breathing together with his soft lips left a delightful feeling... I started to be dragged away from reality when he speak" We needed to stop sweet angel...or I can't back out anymore..." He said in a husky voice...
I agree with him... It's best to do it tonight after the wedding.
Our breathing was uneven. He leaned his head on my head and whispered"I love you, my sweet Maricella..."
"I love you too Dalton" he then bent down once more and peck a kiss on my lips...
"You should take a sleep sweet angel... Later would be a very busy day for both of us..."
I nodded at him agreeing to what he suggested... I lay down beside him in the bed... He pulled me closer to him.
Now I'm using his arm as my pillow while one arm of him was caressing my back up and down that soothes me and I start to fall asleep again...
Later on in the afternoon:
I wake up from the sun seeping through the window...
I stilled in the same position before I sleep...
I looked up and saw Dalton still sleeping peacefully...
I move slowly and lifted his arm that was wrapped around my waist, I put it slowly down on the bed,
I turned around almost my foot on the ground when strong arms wrapped around my waist pulling me back to the bed...I fall back next to him.
He slightly opens his eyes.
"Good afternoon sweet angel..." He greeted me with a husky voice...
His so sexy...
I smiled at him and remember what happened last night...
"Did I overdo it?" I asked him shyly
He Huckle and pulled me closer to him...
"No... I love it... you are cute when you crying..."
I pouted my lips...
Honestly. I think it's only him who would say that...
I mean.
No one looks cute when there crying....?
"Are you inviting me for something..." He smirks at me mischievously.
" why?"
"Because your pouting your lips are so sexy. I might not wait until I wed you tonight..."
He then went on top of me and starts planting featherlight kisses on my face and neck I start to Huckle...
"Stop it that tickles..."I complain.
He then stops and looks at me lovingly and whispers " thank you"
"Why are you thanking me?" I asked curiously
"Because you with me... I thought last night I would lose you...
You forget to block me in your mind... And I know it all...I'm sorry....for everything that makes you sad.."
I smiled at him and cup the side of his face..."I love you and that alone is enough for me to stay with you..."
" And besides if you know it all here" I pointed my head
" then you know in the end, how much I love you..." I teased him. I heard him Huckle and bent down to kiss me...
It was a light kiss...
He then whispers in my ears...
" and even  if you don't want to be with me anymore, I will still push myself until you feel so annoyed and tired that you will  give up and let me stay by your side..." He teased me back
I pinched his cheek...
"Ahh....ahh...." He complained
Still pinching his cheek I asked him." so even if I don't love you anymore you will still pester me?" He answered "yes" but since I'm pinching his left cheek it sounded like "shh" which sounds cute to my ears.
" then it's good .. Promise me even if I tell you to leave me you won't leave and will never stop loving me"
He nod at me and raised his right hand.." I promise " he said but then since I'm still pinching his cheek it sounded like
" ahh...promessh"
It's so funny I start to laugh and let go of his cheek. He gently rubs his cheek. I lift my upper body by bending and lifting my arms behind me... So now I was only inches away from his face.
We look into each other's eyes and were overwhelmed by how much love, we had for each other. He then crossed the distance between me and him and we shared a passionate kiss...
We let go of each other after hearing three consecutive knocks on the door...
An annoyed voice of Sophie shouting outside came after ...
"Hey, Lovie Dovie couples please make yourself ready... It's around 2:30 in the afternoon, aren't you guys hungry or aren't you guys excited for you're wedding tonight...?!"
Groaning Dalton moves away on top of me scratching his head even though it's not itchy..,
But then knowing Sophie, she bangs again the door...
"Big brother....! Come..... On...!
I need Ella now...!"
Dalton stand up and look at me with a serious look " you can't escape from me tonight," he warned me before opening the door Sophie who was about to knock on the door again was stopped in mid-air...then she smirk at us and crossed her arms above her chest...
"Finally...." She said and then walk towards me and pulled me out of the bed.
Before we walk outside the room she said to her brother.." excuse me, my lord. Make sure you look ravishing tonight... See yah...!"
We ate our first lunch before starting the preparation for my wedding since it was just a few hours away, I start to feel nervous and stressed...

Since Sophie knows already my sizes she quickly knows what I need to wear and since it's a quick wedding with not much preparation from before she just chooses a  white satin wedding gown, a mermaid silhouette style with a lace tattoo on the back.
Sophie asked me to take a shower first and after trying it on the gown...
After wearing the gown she ask me to sit in front of the mirror, she put some light makeup on my face and styled my hair in a ballerina bun with a few rouge hairs curling on both sides of my cheek after she was done I heard her screaming from the happiness she was supposed to hug me but decided not, she's scared that it would ruin the gown and makeup...
When I look at my reflection in the mirror I was mesmerized by how I looked... Though my make-up is light only it emphasized the gown...
The reality strikes me,
Well, this is it....!
I'm finally getting married....!
I wish my mom and dad could be here and my bestie Abi...
I got teary eyes knowing no one from my family is here to witness my wedding...
Sophie saw that  I was getting emotional so she speak.
"Whoops.... !!Can't cry please..... " she looked at me with puppy eyes...
I smiled at her and hugged her
Of course, she complains...
"Ohh don't hug me much Ella...I don't want your wedding gown ruined.." I hackle and let go of her.
She then smiled happily and pulled me out of the makeup room and bring me to the shoe room, she then handed me a box wrapped around with a golden ribbon. I looked at her, and she giggles, and say " open it now.. Pretty please " she said with her two hands pressed together in a way like she was going to pray.
Oh, she looked so cute, I open the box and saw a pair of designer wedding shoes by Oscar de la Renta.
It's a white stiletto shoe that has a romantic rosette in the front and at the back lining of the shoes that's making it subtle yet stylish.
I looked at her and whispered thank you...
"You're welcome you like it?" She asked eagerly
" yes I like it! Ohh no... I love it...! Thank you  so much it's beautiful.!"
"Ohh I'm happy you like it, I bought that last night while you were knocked out..." She grins at me.
I blushed
" How did you know I passed out? "
" haaah! My brother didn't want to touch your body while you sleep  so he asked me to undress you and put comfortable sleepwear on you"
She mutters out
I was shocked momentarily...
Stupid me ... I didn't even notice that I was wearing sleepwear, I was so engrossed with my own emotion I didn't notice anything anymore, last thing I knew last night, I was still wearing the most beautiful gown I ever wear in my entire life...
But thinking about how Dalton respects me and my body makes me fall hard in love with him...
I hackle a little bit while remembering how he threatened me that tonight I won't escape from him...
"Are you remembering something funny and lustful, Ella? You are smiling like a retard and blushing at the same time..." She's giggling at me.
" no... Just something funny let's go back in your room so I can see myself full length on your full body mirror..."
She nods at me and we walk out to her walk-in shoe closet. I put down the shoes and slid my foot inside. I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror.
I heard Sophie gasp...
" perfecto......!!!!
Ohhh you look outstanding and beautiful like a real princess, Ella!!!" She jumps with excitement while her face is beaming with pride and joy...
" thanks to you. You made it all happen, Sophie... You are an amazing girl with a brilliant talent..." I hugged her and she hugged me back...
She then pulled me out a few seconds after " are you ready?"
She asked me.
" yep, I think so..."
Ok wait for me in less than ten minutes I'm ready.
" ok" was the only word I say and then I sit on the edge of her bed scared to wrinkle my wedding gown...
I saw her go to the bathroom, then in one blink I saw her in her robe and wet hair walking toward her closet ... She Pick a white silk v-neck gown that lengthened up to
Then in one blink, I saw her wearing it....! I didn't see her put it on...
Damn!!!! She's so fast!

Then after  I saw her went to the make-up room and came out with makeup already... One blink and she's in the walk-in shoe closet wearing white Valentino shoes...she let her jet-black straight hair flow naturally which makes her a stunning a princess indeed.
She then walks towards me and put a veil on my head lengthening up to my arms. She then gave me a bouquet of white roses.  She took a deep breath before saying" ok...! Let's go!!! It's time now" she announced I stood up and follow her lead where ever it is...

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