Chapter- 4 Dalton POV

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As one of the princes  in the demon world, I have a fair share of duties to fill.
In my free time I like to spend it in the earthly world.
I don't know why but every time I visit the earthy world it gives me those exhilarating feelings that makes me feel alive deep inside my very soul.
The Earthly world has four seasons of weather while the demon world  has only one weather, gray sky that almost looks like it's about to rain.
On the other hand the earthy world has warm sunshine basking over you in the morning. At dusk the night sky is bedded with stars twinkling like tiny diamonds, illuminating under the glow of the moon. Exploring each and every continent of this world. It was beautiful and fascinating. Through the hundreds of years that pass by I learn a lot and because of that I end up as a teacher here in the Academy Trust. Although at first it's thrilling to see all the different kind of immortal living and studying also in this academy but as the time goes by its slowly working on my nerves especially when high-ranking female immortals can't stop bugging you and tries every little tricks they know to catch your attention or made you admit you belong to them only.
It wasn't fun anymore.
Luckily I get some time off from the most that sticks on me like a glue.
Her name is Serina, a demon princess with jet black eyes and a model like body that any ordinary mortal or immortal would die to date.
But I feel the opposite, I'm not attracted to her at all plus she's the daughter of the dean in this academy. The fact that she's a demon princess engaged with me in the demon world. I promise not to mess up with her.
Too complicated and that alone is what I hate the most.
I'm not gonna let anyone cage me or tie me down.
My strand of thought was interrupted when I heard the knock on my office door.
" Come in."I said aloud and saw a smiling Mrs. Amy entering the room.
"Good morning professor, The Dean wants you in his office." She informs me.
"Good morning Mrs.Amy please let him know I'll be there in a minute." I curtly replied. Mrs. Amy nodded her head and quietly exited the door.
When she was gone, I sauntered to my door and looked to the spy hole to see if there's anyone waiting for me outside.
It's quite annoying when girls plague you with a lot of uncertain questions. Taking advantage that you're a professor and they are students that need to be heard and give some attention while they dress up like their uniforms are too short, too tight or just plain too small. Giving you a glance of those creamy white skin and overwhelming bosom. At first it's quite entertaining but later I start to hate it.
Luckily the Dean invented this theme of exchanging student from
another Academy. Now once a year I get a chance to meet new students who actually listened to your lectures and really tries their best to pass an exam.
It's what I'm craving for, to see a student expand their knowledge and grow up to become a very useful citizen of this world. Sitting back on my swivel chair I closed my eyes trying to ease the uneasiness I'm feeling starting from this early morning.
Thinking back I can't forget the most beautiful angelic face i ever seen.
I know it's just a dream but It feels so real like I can almost grasp her.
The connection was so intense that when our eyes met I felt my heart start to pound on my chest.
Demon has a heart but never beats. We are not like vampires, that is the most advanced form of human. Our heart starts to beat only if somehow we found our mate.  A matching soul that only belongs to us. Our first and last. It took me a few seconds to realize that the woman I saw in my dream is the woman destined for me.
I felt range fill my heart when that insect of a vampire tapped my mates shoulder that woke her up and me also. I could have reached her but that damn insect interrupted our connective dreams.    This made me grumpy but I pushed my feelings aside and decided to head out of my office room to meet the Dean. I made a note to roam around the city and towns nearby tonight in hope that I could see my mate again.

Maricella's POV
At last we arrived at our destination. My whole trip, wasn't boring at all thanks to a very good companion who entertain me  all the way here.
Stepping down on the bus and seeing the huge castle school  that has a resemblance of the one you saw in the movie " HARRY POTTER" surely everyone knows it, as its a huge hit. I saw a lady standing outside of the school in her mid-fifties. She had a bit bigger appearance wearing an office suit but it suited her well. Honestly she remind me of an old character Miss.Minchin
Of " PRINCESS SARAH" Though in that character Ms. Minschin is a tall old bitch with a really mean character. I saw the lady clap her hand a few times and everyone turned their attention to her direction.
"GREETINGS FAITH ACADEMY students. I am Mrs. Amy Jackson, the secretary of the Dean in this Academy. Welcome to ACADEMY TRUST." She announced as she surveyed the reaction of each and everyone. When she's satisfied that she gets all of the attention that she needs she continues.
" You might wonder why I'm the only one that is welcoming you, sadly the Dean had a very hectic schedule today,but don't worry. He passed this message to all of you. He says that everyone of you must abide from the rules , that no one should be late  and no one should be caught or seen at the boys dormitory or at the girls dormitor. Having an affair with your professor is a big offense, causing your expulsion if we can prove it's true. Also, You can't bring your gadgets and phone while on the campus and can only use it in the dorm. Everyone has their own room so there will be no issue who has higher ranking or not. We want you to know that what you believe about our school, the rumors that says we give credits to a higher ranking  immortals is not true, here everyone is equal. That's the aim of our school. That's why we exchange students with FAITH ACADEMY every year. We hope that you learn from our School and so do our students in your school.
I will be giving you a brochure, A map and direction of every classroom that has been assigned for you regarding of the coursed you've been taking. So please step forward when I call your name." She stated.
She smiled and took a deep breath before starting to call our names.
There were about 20 students on the bus; it must have been 40 exchange students. The other bus was probably late as I didn't see my best friend Abi.
"Mr. William Jones."
I heard William's name being called and saw him walk to Mrs. Amy to take his papers. Staring at him as he walked back I had a chance to observe him.
His face looked so innocent matching his brown silky hair.
Tall with a lean body, he had a pale complexion that didn't give bad points, because every vampire has that familiar trait.

I'M IN LOVE WITH A DEMON PRINCENơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ