Tournament of Elements: Chapter 10 - The Day of the Dragon

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After the cultists were tied up and the Ninja were reunited with Zane, Katarina and Zane got the chance to know each other, finding out new things about each other as they did.

As they finished talking, Cole walked over to the Ninja and said, "The palace and sleeping quarters are all clear. Still no sign of and Chen and Clouse."

"What about Skylor?" Kai asked. Lloyd put a hand on his shoulder.

"She wasn't able to pick her family, but she was able to pick her friends. And since you're her friend, that means so are we. We'll find her."

"He's right. With no way off the island, it'll only be a matter of time." Cole chimed in.

"I'm proud of you six. You've done what the original Elemental masters never could; Stick together. But you must not rest on your laurels, for your guard is down when you sleep." Garmadon advised them.

"Don't worry, Father. We'll never let our guard down." Lloyd said.

"Since my sister is contacting Master Wu, we should meet up with her in the jungle." Kai said. Katarina's stomach filled itself with anxiety.

"Why don't you guys go meet up with Nya and I'll stay behind and help the Elemental Masters with the cultists? I'll meet you guys in the jungle when I'm done." She said and ran off. Her father noticed this and sighed.

"What is it, Garmadon?" Zane asked.

"My daughter and Wu haven't seen each other in forty years. She was away from the Monastery during that time, and he is one of the few people she has yet to make peace with." Garmadon said, watching her join Turner and Neuro.

The Ninja and Garmadon have long since went back to the jungle, with Katarina staying behind with the other Elemental Masters. She summoned her daggers and kept flipping one of them in her hand, thinking.

"Katarina, are you okay?" Neuro asked her, startling her out of her thoughts. She nodded, still flipping her dagger.

"You've been flipping that dagger of yours for 45 minutes. Something is on your mind." He said.

"Yeah, well, I guess you know by now, since you've read my mind already." She muttered under her breath quietly enough for him to not hear.

"Looks like all the action is over by now." Turner said, kicking a rock into the water. He looked at the two of them, a cocky smile wide on his face.

"Put me on Most Ultimate Extreme Ninja Challenge and watch me smoke that course." He said cockily, and she shook her head playfully, summoning her daggers away.

Neuro let out a groan and held his head, catching his friend's attention. "What is it?"

"Skylor's sending me a message. We have to tell the ninja." Neuro said and glanced at the forest worriedly.

"What message?" Katarina asked.

"It's about Chen. He's going to use her powers to complete the spell that will turn his followers into Anacondrai." Neuro explained. Her eyes widened with realization.

"But how?" Turner wondered aloud.

"Skylor's power can absorb Elemental power, remember? Since she absorbed every Elemental fighter's power, Chen can use her to complete the spell." Katarina explained to Turner.

"Where is she? I bet I can get to her." Turner said.

"Other side of the island." Neuro said.

She put a hand on Turner's shoulder. "Chen and whatever leftover cultists he's got are swarming the jungle right now. We need to warn the Ninja and come up with a plan."

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