Maybe I've Already Given Up

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Katarina was the last person to board off the ferry. She had been staring out at the sea for 30 minutes, at least, particularly at the area where the Curse Realm had perished.

She was still taking her time to process what Lloyd said.

"The Cursed Realm is gone...and so is my father..."

Lloyd knew his sister wasn't taking the news well. She knew Garmadon longer than he had. And he also knew she was holding her sadness in for everyone's sake.

"When someone he cares deeply about is in danger, he would do anything to ensure their safety."

He took a deep breathe and walked toward her. "Hey, how are you doing?"

She smiled weakly. "I'm doing great. How about you?"

"I still feel pretty weak, even after Morro's possession. Also, realm-hopping can take a lot out of you."

She chuckled. "I bet. You must've seen all sixteen realms, huh?" She ruffled his hair gently. "Lucky guy."

He chuckled back. "Not all sixteen realms. Morro trapped me in the tenth for an hour."

"Oof, must've sucked being in whatever realm he put you in."

Lloyd knew she was changing the subject. He had to tell her what his father said to tell her. "Speaking of realms, I was in the Cursed Realm and, erm...."

Katarina's smile didn't disappear. "Did you also Chen and Clouse in there? Hope the Cursed Realm has been treating them well."

She was trying to change the subject again. She was walking ahead of him now. He walked behind her.

"I saw Father in there."

Her smile slowly disappeared. "Yeah, I know, he was banished there. You were bound to have seen him in there."

"And he was all chained up." Images of Garmadon being chained by his wrists with no way to be freed flashed through his mind.

She stopped walking. So did he. He stayed a few feet away from her.

"I tried to free him, but..."

"But you couldn't. Because he's a cursed spirit, remember?" She said, a bit coldly. He was taken aback by her tone.

"I-I'll get you outta here, Dad!" Lloyd said, and started to busy himself with the chains.

Garmadon shook his head. "There's no use. These chains will not break."

"I know that." He said quietly. She began walking away.

"Katarina!" Garmadon called out to her. She didn't stop walking, ignoring him. There were too many thoughts racing through her head; she needed to get out of that arena before she suffocated. When she came out of the arena, a hand held her wrist, making her stop.

He hurriedly walked up to her and held her by her wrist gently. "Sis, stop this."

She looked down at her wrist, then at him. She narrowed her eyes. "Stop what?"

"...I bottle up my emotions for who-knows-how-long..."

"Bottling up your emotions," He stated, refusing to let go of her wrist and made eye contact with her. "It's unhealthy."

"No shit, Lloyd." She scoffed.

"..and up until a fear years ago, I realized how unhealthy it was."

Both siblings stayed there for a moment, staring at each other in the eye until Lloyd said, "Father wouldn't want you to do this to yourself. You're only hurting yourself more on the inside."

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