Tournament of Elements: Chapter 12 - The Corridor of Elders

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"Chen has - kai Villag - Everyone -!" came Nya's distorted voice over the radio.

"I can't read you, Nya. Repeat!" Kai said to his sister from the inside of a truck nearby the Anacondrai tomb.

"Attacked first - Nothing - Stop them!" She continued saying from the radio, but it only made everyone more confused than ever at her attempted message.

"You're breaking up. Where do you need us? We're all scattered, and there's not time to play fill-in-the-blanks!" Jay retorted at his friend impatiently.

"Hurry - too late!"

"Tell us where we need to go. I can't use my Dragon power, so if anyone is close -!" Lloyd tried explaining into his radio but it buzzed out before he could say anymore. "Nya? Nya? Can anyone hear me?"

"They -  attacking - kai - lla -! - stop th - !"

"Nya, I can't understand you right now! Where's Chen? Where's his army?" Katarina asked over the radio, but there was nothing. She sighed, then looked at her hands.

Then at the key that was already in the ignition.

Well, if no one couldn't summon their dragons, then might as well use the trucks.

Without a second thought, she put the car into drive and stepped onto the gas.

The Bounty had been in the air for at least a few hours, and Nya had been trying to communicate with her friends, but to no avail.

"All communication is cut." She reported to Wu.

"If our fighters don't know where to go, who's gonna stop my father?" Skylor asked, feeling hopeless.

Suddenly, the map on the Bounty's screen switched to Chen smiling happily at the screen. "Hello. As you can see, I've taken control of the airwaves, just as I'll take over Ninjago!"

"You'll pay for this, Chen." Garmadon hissed under his breath, balling up his fists in irritation and anger.

Wu put a hand on his shoulder to calm him down. "Brother, enough." He looked at the screen. "What do you want?"

"A truce." Chen simply said.

" Ha! Like the one the real Anacondrai wanted during the last war?" Garmadon scoffed at his former mentor. "The truce that you destroyed by deceiving both sides?!"

"I will honor my word and no one will get hurt, if you and everyone you know leave Ninjago and never comes back." Chen offered.

"We're not leaving our home." Garmadon said firmly.

"Wait! Let us think about it." Wu said to his brother. Garmadon looked at him in disbelief. Was he really considering this?!

"How can you even entertain him?" Garmadon exclaimed in utter disbelief

"Our ninja are gone. We need more time." Wu explained.

"You should listen to your brother, Garmadon. He's always had a way with words. It convinced Misako, didn't it?"

Garmadon's eyes widened, and it only made Wu confused.

"What's wrong? You look a little purple. Oh, that's right. Once a snake, always a snake." Chen laughed, proud of what he'd done.

"Haven't you hurt enough people, Father?" Skylor hissed at Chen.

"What is he talking about?" Misako asked her husband.

"Oh, he hasn't told you? The letter he wrote that made you fall in love with was written by Wu." Chen explained. Misako gasped, and Wu's eyes widened with anger.

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