SkyBound: Chapter 5 - My Dinner with Nadakhan

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Katarina, Nadakhan and Flintlocke watch Jay mop the deck. Nadakhan had put a vengestone ball and chain around his ankle the day they captured him, and decided to make him suffer while he was on the ship.

Nadakhan floated over to Jay. "Looks like you missed a spot." He knocked the bucket of water onto the ground with his sword.

Jay groaned and looked at Nadakhan. "I'm not gonna say it.

Nadakhan raised his eyebrow. "Say what? That you can wish it all away? Well, you can. You've already made your first two wishes, you have one left."

"My friends will come for me!" Jay said determinedly.

Nadakhan stole a glance from Katarina. "You have one friend here, and yet she doesn't come to your rescue." He laughed.

"I don't know what you've done to her, but whatever it is, I'm gonna save her."

"You cannot save her." They watch her glance at Jay, before looking out of the ship. "She is under my full control. No matter what you say or do to her, she will not break free. I made sure of it."

Jay looked at her worriedly, before diverting his attention back to the Djinn. "I sure hope your friends will come for you. The more of you my Djinn Blade collects, the stronger I become. Creating a world from scratch takes a lot of hard work. Djinjago would get done a lot sooner if everyone pitches in, if you know what I mean."

He threw his blade at Jay, who almost stumbles back while the blade landed at his feet. The souls inside, including his friends, scream desperately. "Care to say hello to your friends?"

Jay whimpered quietly. "Wish it. Wish it all away and join them. Wish it and you'll never have to pick up another scrub brush again."

"If I didn't have this vengestone ball and chain, I'd zap you clean off this ship."

Katarina chuckled. "No wonder why she liked you. You're stronger than you look." She walked away from where she stood and toward Jay, until she was close to him. "But deep down, it's all an act, because you're scared, weak, pathetic. Your humor masks your fear, a fear that you let control you when she fell for one of your friends."

He glared at her. She smirked, as Nadakhan grinned in approval of her new behavior. "Believe me, aboard my ship, you will break. I will make sure of it. And when that time comes, I will be there, so you can wish it away." Nadakhan said.

Jay shook his head. "Still not gonna say it."

Nadakhan glanced at Flintlocke. "When he's done swabbing the deck, make sure he swabs the entire hull."

The pirate pilot raised his eyebrow in question. "The bottom of the ship, Captain?"

Hours later, Jay was at the bottom side of the ship, using a scrub brush to scrub the entire hull. While the entire ship was in the air. Flintlocke, Katarina and Nadakhan look over, just in time to see him almost fall. "You're not afraid, are you, funny man?"

Jay gripped onto the hull as he scrubbed. "Ha! I love it!"

Nadakhan growled and floated away, as Jay laughed to himself.

Hours later, Katarina was in Nadakhan's room, watching her captain float back and forth in irritation.

"Jay's stubborn, I'll give him that." He remarks. "But his stubborness won't last forever on my ship."

"It'll take more than a few scrub brushes to make him break, Captain." She replies. "If we need him to break, we need to take more...drastic measures."

He stopped his pacing to face her. "What do you suggest we do to him?"

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