SkyBound: Chapter 6 - Wishmasters

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Jay stood tiredly in Nadakhan's room the next day. He was so tired, he could barely stand anymore.

He looked around, and spotted Katarina, eyes closed while she leaned against the wall. He knew she can remember him, why else would she apologize for not being able to help him?

He carefully walked up to her. He needed to help her, maybe he could release Nadakhan's control over her.

"Katarina?" He said carefully. He gently shook her awake. She groaned and looked around. She seemed to not know where she was at the moment.

Then, she looked at Jay with her dark brown eyes. "Jay? What happened? What's going on?"

"It's okay, I'm going to get you out of here."

"But how?"

"I don't know. But our friends will come for us, I'm sure of it."

She nodded. "I hope so."

Then, something comes to the room. She gasped. "That could be one of the crew. Quick, hide."

Jay nodded and ran to the other side of the room, fully laying down. She leaned back against the wall and closed her eyes again.

A few moments later, footsteps entered the room. She peeked one eye open to see Cole dressed as a pirate. She watched him take something out of the pocket and placed it on the dining table. He grabbed a glass bottle and tried to pry it open, to no avail.

"Cole?" Jay croaked. Cole stopped what he was doing, and gasped. "Is that you?"

"Jay! You're okay!" Cole said, clearly relieved. He ran over the Blue Ninja. "What happened to your eye?"

Jay squinted. "Why-Why are you dressed like a pirate?"

Cole chuckled. "Don't worry about that. Our friends are nearby. We're gonna get you out of here." He worked on unlocking the ball of chain, and helped him up. 

"Boy, am I glad to see you. Cole, I'm sorry about keeping stuff from you. I should've told you that-"

"And I should've been a better friend. Don't worry about it. Save your strength. We can laugh about this when it's all behind us."

Jay suddenly heard something and pointed to the door. "Behind you."

Cole spotted a closet. "Quick, hide in there." He shoved Jay into the closet and carried the ball of chain to the bed. Then, he dove to the other side.

Nadakhan opened the doors and looked at the vials and jars of liquids set on his table. That made Cole remember something.

"Ugh! I forgot to pour the venom."

The djinn snapped his head to the bed. He then picked up a golden bottle and opened it. "We're out of Fiddlehead cider. Make sure someone plunders a new case for me!"

"Aye, aye, Captain." Flintlocke said. "You may need a new cloak. It may be cold and really windy outside this fine evening."

"Good idea." Nadakhan hummed thoughtfully. As he made his way to the closet Jay was hiding in, the ship jerked. The ball of chain rolled out from underneath the bed. He spotted it and growled.

"OUR PRISONER'S ESCAPED! SEARCH THE SHIP!" He called out to all his crew members.

Flintlocke nodded. "Aye, aye, Captain. We won't let him get away!"

Through her flickering red eyes, Katarina watched Cole run over the closet and open the doors hurriedly. "We better get out of here, and fast!" They run out the door and down the hallway.

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