Tournament of Elements: Chapter 11 - The Greatest Fear of All

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Everyone's Elemental dragons soar through the ocean's waters, the city in their sight. They had been flying for a long time now, trying to get to Ninjago city as soon as possible so they could get to Chen and his army.

"Chen and his Anacondrai army have a day's start on us. Be prepared for anything and everything." Lloyd announced to his friends and the Elemental Masters.

"How did we lose so much time?" Kai wondered. It felt like everyone had been flying for hours, not an entire day.

"You know, you took an oath never to leave a man behind." Dareth chimed in from Zane's dragon.

"And we're not all quick learners. Mastering your fear to create Power Dragons takes time." Jay stated.

"Well, we're running out of that. There's Ninjago city." Nya pointed to their home, that was now getting closer and closer with each passing moment. "Hurry!"

"Hurry's my middle name." Turner piped up. He let out a yell as he snapped at the reins of his dragon. As the reins snapped, the dragon sped up ahead of everyone.

The dragons were now flying over the city.

"Remember, whatever happens down there, we're stronger united. We fight as one." Lloyd reminded everyone.

"You got it, little bro." Katarina nodded to her brother. Her dragon dove.

"Let's do this!" Jay exclaimed, his dragon making a dive as well. Everyone followed suit, their dragons following Jay's. People looked up and exclaimed, wondering what the sight was. Everyone landed on top of city rooftops, and Kai's landed smack-dab in the street.

It took people a moment to look at Skylor's scaly reappearance. People screamed in fear at the sight, running in different directions.

"I wish I still had the power to change." Skylor muttered to herself, hating the way she looked, hating how her father made her this way.

"You have changed. You're with us now." Kai assured her. She smiled at his assurance.

A car honked from behind the Fire dragon. "Could you be a dear and move your Dragon?" The Fire dragon looked down and lifted its hind leg, so the woman's car could pass. "Thank you, young man."

Katarina got off her dragon and headed towards Garmadon and Lloyd. "If we're the first ones they've seen, where's Chen and why hasn't he attacked?"

"He must be planning his next move. Bidding his time." Katarina suggested. "If he attacked, the city would be in shambles by now."

"You may be right." Garmadon concluded.

"We have to get you and my father off the streets before we alarm everyone." Lloyd informed Skylor. He lifted his head up to look at the Elemental Masters and their dragons.

"Everyone else, stick together and watch over the people." He announced to them. The dragons took off. As they watched the dragons flying off in the same direction, Skylor felt something changing within her. She looked down at her hand, which was now going back to normal.

Katarina watched the dragons fly away. "While they're busy doing that, what are we going to do in the meantime? We need to plan our next move if we're to stop Chen."

"We may know a place." Kai replied.

After flying through the desert and landing at a huge skeleton, Katarina thought Kai was playing some kind of joke, until Nya pressed a button on the skull that revealed her Samurai X cave.

Once they headed down the steps and walked deeper into the hideout, the Ninja and Garmadon heard something screeched. Katarina looked up and saw it was a falcon. Zane reached out his arm, and the mechanical bird perched itself on his forearm.

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