Chapter 6 - Hey?

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~ POV: Kyla Bower ~

"Who are you guys?" I retort to the boys that are near my father's side.

Out of nowhere Mr. Haydes, steps in almost like a human divider between my father and those boys on one side, and me on the other. "I shall step out for a moment to allow you all to discuss your... relationship with other," notes Mr. Haydes before going out the office. Still, before he goes out of the office he shoots a small smile my way, as if a gesture of sympathy. He knows something. I can tell, but what? I turn my attention to the boys and my father.

Looking at all of the boys they all look kind of similar to each other. With silence embracing the space, my father is the first to break it.

"Christian, Elijah, Levi, Mason, and Ryder, why don't you introduce yourselves to her," Richard says.

"Hello, I'm Christian,"" I'm Elijah," "Hi, it's Levi," "Mason," "and my name's Ryder," they all tell me standing close to each other facing me. I shoot my gaze to my father and he does a small gesture for me to also introduce myself. With an eye roll, I do as told to be polite, not because it was my father telling me to do it.

Yet, before I leave the office I do a small wave with my hand to them and say, "Hey? I'm Kyla." They continue to look at me like that should mean anything to them. "Isabel was my grandma... Richard is my father," I fill them in. Then all hell breaks loose.

Questions are asked and statements are thrown around the office like, "Her granddaughter?", "Grandma didn't have a granddaughter", and "How is this possible?"

"It's not that hard to understand... I mean this guy is my father which makes Isabel my grandmother from his side and me her granddaughter," I say by motioning to my father whose near them.

They all stare at me wide-eyed and then slowly turn to my father. "Look boys, I can explain," he directs to them. He turns to face me and takes a couple of steps towards me. "Kyla, can you go give us some privacy to talk. I will call you soon, there's a room two doors down. We'll go to you after talking", he tells me and tries to give me a kiss on the head. Tries being a key word. I move a step back seeing what he's going to do, after moving I see that he was a frown on his face and hides it fast with a small smile.

I make my way towards the door, but before I going out I turn to see the boys and my father. Levi must feel me looking because he gives me a wave, with a small nod I exit the office, going to where my father told me.

What are going to talk about, anyways?


~ POV: Richard Bower ~

Once Kyla is out of the office, I return my eyes to the boys. If I would have known Kyla was going to be here, I would have told them beforehand who she was. This is just great! This is exactly how I wanted my youngest child to meet her brothers, note my sarcasm. After telling them to be quiet while I explain them who Kyla, and getting agreements from them I begin.

"Boys, I don't know how to else to explain who she is. I was going to tell you when you all. were younger, but I didn't get a chance too. When I was in prison, I didn't see the need to say anything about her since you all were probably never going to see her again. Kyla, she's... Kyla's my daughter. She's your sister," I break the new news to them.

For a couple minutes, they stay silent. Their silence must mean that they are digesting the news that they have a little sister. Damn it! This was not how they were suppose to find out about one another.

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