Chapter 22 - Lingering in Thought

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~ POV: Third Person~

After Kyla had left, shortly after the boys and Richard left from Lorna and Brianne's house too. They were all silent in the car rides back to the estate, all lingering in thought to what Kyla had said earlier.

"They don't know anything what they're saying...and neither do you guys"

That's what she had said... and there was no faking it, not even if they wanted to because it was the truth; and the truth can't be denied.

Once at the estate, they all get out of the cars and start to make their way to the door, that was still unlocked from when Kyla had came back. Without a single words from either of them, they headed on their own ways. The boys to each of their rooms, and Richard to his office, each of them stuck in their own thoughts but had one thing, or rather someone who was the main focus of their thought. That someone being Kyla.

The youngest of the brothers, Ryder, was thinking about how much he pushed, and pushed, Kyla to go meet his brothers' mother, Lorna, and his mother without thinking of the repercussions of what could happen; when in reality he wasn't think about Kyla, but more about what he wanted. He knew he made to make it up to her, somehow.

Mason, was thinking about Kyla's breakdown. Each word was replaying in his head of what was said in the interaction between Kyla, Lorna, and his mother. I should have stepped in when it was getting heated, he thought. Still, he didn't know why he couldn't or hadn't in that moment. He heard and saw how much effort his brothers were trying with Kyla, but for him it was like their was a stone wall that was built between them; and he knew that it was placed there by him. He wanted to truly apologize to her, because in his own way he care for her; he wasn't;t good for her in anyway. Even if he was distant with her, because he was trying to save her from himself.

Levi, had no words in him. He hadn't a single clue of what had gone on at dinner, or at what point things had gone sideways. He cared for Kyla. Although, he wasn't as close to Kyla as he wanted or like to be, he was going to work on that. Typically, he was a laidback brother, but with Kyla he needed to be present for her; and he would try.

Unlike, his brothers who were think about dinner. Elijah was working on a plan or rather a way for Kyla and him to, somehow start off on a clean slate. Elijah wasn't oblivious about Kyla; he noticed the way she needed them at dinner to set in, but like dumbasses didn't. Elijah knew that Kyla deserved more from him, his brothers, and father. If his brothers or dad were going to set up for Kyla, he would. He would do it for her.

The eldest brother, Christian, was disappointed. Not at Kyla, but at himself, and his father. But he was mainly enraged with his mother, for treating Kyla, that way she treated her at dinner. Kyla had not done anything to her in anyway, yet his mother blamed her for things that happened in the past. Kyla, is just a girl that is dealing with a chaotic situation that she shouldn't be dealing with for her age, or anywho should be dealing with. Even if he didn't show it, Christian was proud of Kyla. She didn't put up with the shit his mother or Brianne through her way, she didn't back down.

In his office, Richard, was angry at himself (as he should), for not being there for his daughter. She needed him and he hadn't shown up to have her back. He was speechless at dinner. He was a shitty father. Quietly, walking out of his office, his feet had dragged him in front of Kyla's bedroom door. There was no sound coming from her room, yet he just rested his forehead on the door. Kyla deserved better than him he thought.

Things between the boys and Richard needed to change. Not for them but for Kyla.

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