Chapter 14 - Around

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~ POV: Third Person ~

As Kyla went outside to explore the estate, she went around the back of the house where she first saw a pool. Without seeing first, if there was anyone at the pool she made her way there; approaching the pool she looked at the water which was clear, pristine blue. She bended down to her knees and proceeded to touch the water. She liked the way it felt to her touch, how the water would ripple just from a touch of her finger. Oh, how she wished that her life was as still as untouched water, she thought. But no life had other plans.

She hadn't heard when the doors that led to the backyard opened, until two sets of feet appeared in her line of vision. Looking up to see the owners of said feet, she saw that it was Elijah and and Ryder looking down at her with curious eyes. Kyla had sensed that Elijah was reserved and the most quiet from among the brothers. He didn't talk much unless talked to first, or if he felt the need to talk, but he seemed very astute. On the other hand, Ryder, although the youngest of brothers gave off the vibe of not having a care in the world. He seemed friendly, and was fun talking too, but when he cared about something he cared passionately like being apart of his band that he had mentioned.

Turning slightly so that they don't see her roll her eyes she asked them, "What do you want?"

"Nothing. We came outside for a swim since it's been awhile since we've been here," Ryder answered her happily with a grin on his face.
"Mm, good for you then," Kyla told them with a dry laugh as she got up. Once up, Kyla, turned to leave and continue her venture of the estate; Yet not before Elijah added, "Would you like to join us?"

Debating whether nor not, to join them she was having difficulty an internal conflict with herself. She couldn't allow them to get close to her. She tried to remind herself that her only family, her mom and grandma had died, and she had none left. So with that in mind Kyla said, "No. I'm good thanks though," and she brushed her hands together. She saw the hurt on both their faces, but shrugged it off, and trying not to cared about it too much or else she knew she would cave in. She only got a few steps before Elijah said something to her.

"We'd like it if you joined us. We're going to be living together, so there will be times where we have to interact together; so join us, it'll be fun." Kyla didn't know what to say to him because he was right. She thought back to her earlier thoughts. "I can't. I'm a little busy now," she made-up quickly which was half-true. Not looking back at them she went on with looking around the house.


Kyla had seen everything she thought was possible to see in the estate. From the garden with plants and flowers, to the pool, to the library (which she loved), the offices, art room (which she took a liking too), and more endless rooms. She was about to head back to her room to rest, from all the walking she had done when she stumbled upon the music room. In inside the music room, it was huge; there were an assortment of different instruments from guitars, violins, drums, to many more. Yet, what caught Kyla's eyes was the grand piano that was positioned at one corner of the room near one of the many long windows. It's beautiful she thought. She went to the piano letting her fingers brush the keys.

She couldn't hold back from sitting down on the bench of the marvelous instrument. She sat down as she admired the instrument that was glossy black, and dust-free. She decided to put the fine instrument to her use since no one was there to bother her.

Kyla had been told from her music teacher from her high school in the past that it was as if music was able to flow naturally from her; She didn't believe them. She did not have that much training like others did. Kyla had taught herself how to play with a piano that was in her old house before her mother had to sell it to make a little money out of it to pay off bills, when she was alive.

(A/N: I advise that if your reading this part to play the song from the top at the same time after the end of this paragraph)
Playing with the keys, she then settled with playing a song that she thought fit with how she was feeling inside: Camden by Gracie Abrams; the meaning she got from the song was that overthinking or intrusive thoughts don't leave but stay haunting the mind. Kyla let the music flow from her fingers to the keys, it was as if the music has possessed her too, and she began to sing along with the tune of the piano.

Self diagnosing 'til I'm borderline
I'll do whatever helps to sleep at night
Until I'm feeling like an island
Until I'm strong enough to hide it
What was I thinking looking for a sign?
As if I've ever seen the stars align
Somebody take over the drive and
Somebody notice how I'm trying
Somebody notice how I'm trying

As a child, Kyla always found the piano to be a wonderful instrument that felt calming to the ear which drew her to it.

I never said it, but I know that I
I bury baggage 'til it's out of sight
I think it's better if I hide it
I really hope that I survive this

When done playing, Kyla felt slightly out of breathe but also... relief? Somehow she knew that she would be fine, one way or another, from this whole situation with her dad and the boys. Closing her eyes and draping her head to her folded arms that leaned on the piano, she hadn't noticed when anyone had entered the room until someone was clapping their hands; she jumped from her seat on the bench a little frightened from the whoever was clapping til she turned around and saw it was the boy that had opened the door for her when she first came with Mr. Haydes and had shown them to the office where she had seen her dad again; but she didn't know his name.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. Didn't know you knew how to play?" the boy said as he pointed to the piano with a small smile. His voice was deep and a little husky; she liked the sound of it.

"No, you're good, just didn't know I had an audience looking" she responded returning a small smile  to him.

"You're really good by the way. What song were you sing too?"

"You probably don't know her but it was by Gracie Abrams."

"Yeah, haven't heard of her. Sorry-"

"Oh, don't be. It's not everyones cup of tea" she said happily to him. "What's your name? I don't think I ever got it."

"Leo" he answered her as he extended a hand to which he took.

"Kyla, but you probably knew it," she mumbled back to him.

"I should let you know that, the food will be ready in an hour if you were going out of here. But your brothers, will have called for you or looked for you. Didn't think you'd like that very much," he said as he scratched the back of his head and looked down.

"Thanks, was going to leave anyways too" she told him as she went to the door of the music room to go find her room. "Bye" she said as she waved Leo, goodbye too.




Author's Note: This chapter was so fun to write about! I do not play the piano whatsoever, but when I was small I had a piano at some point in my life; But sadly my mom and I had to sell it because we were moving houses. Anywho... what did you all think about this chapter? Thoughts on Leo? or Kyla until now? Well, till next time...

Hope you liked this chapter :)

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