Chapter 20 - Lorna & Brianne

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~ POV: Kyla Bower ~

A few days had passed since the dinner party was mentioned, and nothing had been said to me afterwords. Apparently, the mothers', Lorna and Brianne, wanted everything to go "accordingly", whatever that meant. I had asked Ryder what that meant and all he said was that I'd see soon, but the only thing he failed to tell me was that soon, was going to be tonight. So now my predicaments are the mothers' and what to wear tonight.

I honestly could give two fucks on what to wear for them, but I don't want to let Ryder down; I promised him, and I can't back out of it now. He seemed so happy when I told me I'd do it, and when he hugged me it had been the first time in awhile that I had felt comfortable with someone. Whenever I'm with Ryder, he makes me feel not so lonely... and there are times where I just want to spill the whole truth of my life to him; from growing up, to my mom and grandma, the accident, being by myself, to working multiple jobs, and so on. Yet, I can't tell him or rather anyone for that matter. Too many questions will be asked and I don't think I can answer them for them.


~ POV: Third Person ~

Inside her room, Kyla was in her closet with heaps of clothes on the floor trying to find something decent-looking to wear tonight. She had spent so much time procrastinating looking for an outfit, that she had just spent her time in bed watching a movie, going on a FaceTime with Carter, and scrolling through Instagram. Now standing, Kyla just stood staring at her closet and at the ground. A knock at her room, is what brought her out of staring contest with her closet; Flustered, she scurried to to door to see who it was on the other side of the door.

"Coming" she yelled as she was running to door but tripped over herself. On the other side of the door stood Elijah, a little amused after hearing the a yelp from his little sister on the other side; He had went up to her room to tell her that the dinner party was going in a couple hours but that they were leaving at 6:30pm. Opening the door, Kyla tried to appear that nothing had happened but upon seeing Elijah's failed attempted on covering his laugh, she knew that he had heard her fall.

"Yep. What can I do for you?" She said to him as if nothing.

"Someone's a little flustered, I see" he commented amusingly.

"Hmm, didn't notice. So?" she retorted sarcastically. Deciding to mess with Kyla, he continued with her sarcasm.

"I guess I won't tell you anything, anymore" he said as he pretended to walk away.

"What is it?"

"Hm... oh nothing"

"Come on! Tell me!" she whined to him.

"OK then, I'll tell you. We're going to leave at 6:30 to go to our mothers' house" and with that said from Elijah he turned to go back downstairs with his dad and brothers.

I only have a couple hours to get ready. Shit, Kyla thought to herself.


~ POV: Kyla Bower ~

Already dressed, in a simply dress I found with a cardigan and some heels, I stare at myself in the full length mirror in my room; not recognizing myself for a second. I haven't gotten dressed up since my mom and grandma's funeral. I even put on some makeup to look presentable. Tonight could result in two ways: lively and joyful or up in ruins. I just hope that it doesn't go bad or anything.

"Kyla, come on" I hear coming from downstairs.

"Going" I yell. I quickly grab my black crossbody purse and phone and booked it downstairs. I didn't even see what was in front of me, since my focus was on my feet and the stairs steps so that I wouldn't fall; till I hit a someone's back, face first. From the impact, I stumbled back a little but luckily someone grabbed my wrist to steady me. Looking up, I see that Mason had been the one that I came in contact with... and he looked at me annoyed. "Thanks" I mumbled to him, to which he responded back to me with a grunt.

We were then all divided into 2 different cars. Now with dad, Levi, Christian, and Mason; and the other with Elijah, Ryder, and me. It was originally going to be Elijah, Mason, and me, but Ryder easily convinced Mason to switch with him. I did't take much convincing Mason; he doesn't want to be anywhere near me and he's made it very obvious. I just try to ignore him. Before we had gotten situated into the cars, Ryder had whispered in my ear that he come in the car I'd be going in "to prep me for their mothers'". Their mothers' must be a lot to handle, I thought to myself.

Now at the front of a beautiful two-story house, we all stood there waiting to be let inside. During our drive here, Ryder had told me so much to know about their mothers. More than I even wanted to know, if I'm being honest. He told me that Brianne, Mason and his mom, doesn't like being people chewing loudly, or when phones are on the table; and Lorna, Christian, Elijah and Levi's mom, dislikes it when their are side conversations at the dinner table and can say stuff without much thought.

So, with that information in mind, I knew that I ultimately had to watch myself from them.


(Time skip to being at the dinner table)

When Lorna and Brianne, had opened the door for us they immediately when to each their sons'. They embraced them with hugs and kisses that it was uncomfortable to see. I was basically pushed to the side and watched their interaction. Guess dad must have seen how I was looking with them that he tried to give me a side hug, but I just turned away to go and greet them. Seeing my half-brothers and their mothers', made me miss mom even more.

"You must be Kyla" pointed out Lorna. I shyly nodded my head to her observation. "Hm.. You're different to what I imagined" commented Brianne.

"It's a pleasure to meet you" I told them while extending my hand to shake theirs. I didn't know what else to do, this was all so nerve-wracking.

With all the greeting aside, we were all hurriedly moved to the dinner table where all the food was placed neatly on the table. All the boys and dad went to their seats, like they'd done this so many times; which them might have, and I was left standing by myself once more.

"Kyla, come sit next to me" exclaimed Ryder a little too loud. I complied and seat next to him with Mason to my other side and Christian in front of me. Goody me to be sitting close to those two.

"So, shall we get started then" announced Lorna and Brianne closely at the same time, looking directly my way.

Yep, this is going to bad.


^Kyla's outfit

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^Kyla's outfit




A/N: The mother's have something planned up their sleeves... till next time!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter ;)

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