Chapter 13 - Sobrina

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~ POV: Mason Bower ~

As Kyla leaves the dining room, more like runs from from us, dad and my brothers stay quiet. This whole situation with Kyla is stupid. I'm not saying Kyla, herself, is stupid, but they way everything is going about is. She's probably an attention seeker for dad. And those rules she demanded dad? How could she even ask him to do that? Dad doesn't know a single thing to know about Kyla. He has to be in contact with her mother. I kinda of remember meeting Mary, but not too much. I remember she was nice, and treated all of us like if we were her kids. That's all in the past though, it can't be changed.

"So you're actually going to do what she's telling you?'" I questioned dad in a hard tone. I didn't mean for my question to be delivered that way, but it's not like I can do anything about it. I watched as dad let out a frustrated sigh and ran a hand down his face.

"I intend to," he says. At hearing his words, I felt a surge of rage go through me. How can he even listen to something like that, that a little girl said? He's going to be hurting. I know for a fact by justing looking at dad, whenever Mary is mentioned how his expression softens and his eyes hold longing, that he missed her. Loves her.

Dad was never like that with any of our mothers. Christian, Elijah, Levi have the same mother, Lorna; Ryder and me have the same mother. Our mothers' get along, they're basically best friends. I admit that at the beginning they didn't like each other, but they shared a few things: Children from the same father, and their dislike for dad. If they would have known of Mary and Kyla, they would've went ballistic; they would've tried to make their lives' miserable and done anything to get them away from dad.

"How can you even consider listening to her? She's just a little girl who only wants attention. How can't you see that?" I angrily ask dad, narrowing my gaze to him.

"Just drop it, Mason," Ryder grumbles next to me. Choosing to ignore him, I keep going on.

"No. You haven't seen her in twelve fucking years! Twelve! She doesn't want to be with you, can't you see that? You should've just her leav-" I rant, but am interrupted by dad shouting back at me.

"Mason, shut it! I don't care what you think. She's my child! Just like the rest of you are. If you're done with your rant, stop act acting like a child," he finishes. He gets up from his seat at the head of the table and leaves the dinning room. The table still remains quiet, but only for a couple minutes.

"Why would you say to dad?" Levi ask directly for me.

Staying quiet, I storm out of the room. If they can't see that I'm only looking out for them, then that's on them. I go to my room, but before that I hear talking coming from Kyla's room. She's talking in a hush tone. I head to her door, and put my hear to her door to hear what is being said.

~ POV: Kyla Bower ~

In the safety of my room, I try to calm myself down before getting an anxiety attack. The talk downstairs was a hell. All I wanted was for it to be over. Having their eyes on was uncomfortable; I go hid somewhere, where they couldn't see me.

After a few minutes, I managed to calm myself down. Going to my bed to lay down, my phone starts to ring. Going to my phone, I see that the caller ID indicate that it's my aunt Elena. my mother only had one sister, who has three kids: Guadalupe, Manuel, and Maricella. When I was younger, my cousin's and I use to get along really well; then out of nowhere, we didn't. They grew jealous of me for some reason. I don't even know why she's calling me, but nevertheless I answer her call.

"Yes, tia?" I answer with an annoyed voice.

"Ay, y ese tono? Que no sabes saludar a tu única tia? La que te a ayudado?" She asks in Spanish with a mocking tone.
[Translation: Ay, and that tone? You don't know how to greet your only aunt? The one that's helped you?]

Rolling my eyes, to no one in particular I play go along with her. "Perdon tia. To how do I owe the pleasure of this phone call, you have generously bestowed me?" I say full with sarcasm.

"You hear me good, chamaca [girl]. Don't talk to my like, porque vas a ver [because you'll see]. Te advierto [I warn you]. You know that you owe me money, when will I get it?" she says in a low voice, which to her means business.

"You'll get it, I just sometime. Te voy a mandar ahora, no me apuras [I'll send you right now, don't rush me]".

"The bills don't wait for you, sobrina" she says was she hangs up on me.

My aunt Elena was the only one that helped me when my mom and grandma died. She lent me the money to be able to bury them, even though it was her mother too that died. She didn't give a fuck. Ever since I borrowed money from her, she holds it over my head every time. Frustrated, I throw my phone across the room; making it crack even more than it already is. Closing my eyes, I try to hold back my tears of frustration. I'm so done with her. I stand from my bed, and decide to go out and explore the estate.

As I'm leaving my room and walking with my head down lost in thought, I collide with a wall that I didn't even know was there. Recovering from the collide, I realize that the wall, was Mason. Oh, goody.

"Who were you on the phone with?" he questions without missing a chance.

"It's none of your business"

"Who was it?" he say exasperated.

"No one"

Quickly he steps toward me. I go back with every step he takes, not liking how angry he looks. My back hits a wall and he traps me. "I'm going to ask you for the last time. Who was on with phone with you?" The way that Mason is acting scares the shit out of me. But not trying to look intimidated, I retort, "It was no one important," as I use all my strength to push him off me.

I run from him not taking a chance to look behind. I decide to start exploring the estate outside, away from Mason, the boys, and dad. They don't have to know how much they terrify me.




Hope you liked this chapter :)

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