Chapter 12 - Terms II

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~ POV: Third Person~

"You all must live together for a year in this estate."


After recalling Mr. Haydes words, Kyla shakes her head slightly as if it would help vanish the words that had ran through her head seconds ago. To herself she swears, Levi brought up the terms of the inheritance now out of all times, to prevent her from leaving. And he got me too, Kyla thinks to herself.

Turing to look at them, Kyla sees in their eyes that they won't let her go easily. It makes Kyla wonder their actual motives. Do they only want me to say for the money or as part of a family? Raising an eyebrow skeptically as an indication that she's listening, as she goes to return to her seat from the dining table.

"The terms clearly stated that it's that we all live together for a year here or absolutely no one gets anything" rephrases Levi again, seeing as has he has a glint of victory in his eyes that he managed to get Kyla with them for a moment. "I know" Kyla mumbles to them as she looks down at her lap. In her mind Kyla, does not want to spend an entire year with them. She'd rather get stuck with anyone else but them; she'd even go with her aunt and cousins, although they'd willingly take her in, she knew they probably would be hesitant too since they have to fed another mouth and take care of her. They had helped her out in the beginning after the death of her grandma and mom, but had changed a little towards her. Kyla had dismissed their change, as a way of coping. She planned to pay them back one way in the future. Maybe I can pay them back with my part of the inheritance? she thought to herself.

Kyla needed that money. She wanted to become someone in this life. She wanted a career, yet still didn't know in what, good paying check, and a place to call home instead of barely making ends meet. Yes, she had worked with Gina in the diner, but no one knew that she was motherless, or alone. She wasn't going to tell anyone of these men that her mother had died, especially her dad.

Kyla stayed quiet in her seat as everyone stared at her. They had no idea what ran through her head, all they wanted was for her to stay. Well, everyone besides Mason; he didn't want her with them. He thought that in the short time they had known her again she managed to make them worry and scared shitless for her, and she seemed ungrateful. Meanwhile, Kyla knew want she had to do, even if she did't want this to happen so she declared:

"I'll stay" she said ever so quietly thinking no one had heard her but they somehow had heard her words. A little shocked that she had willingly agreed to stay with them, and not put a fight, Richard was taken aback. Regardless, Richard was happy to have his baby with him. Relief went through Christian, Elijah, Levi and Ryder's bodies. They wanted their sister to the with them. A wave of anger and a little happiness ran through him.

Clearing his throat and recomposing himself Richard said, "Good, but we can't forget what you did last night. So I believe that rules have to be placed". Kyla rolled her eyes at the mention of rules. She had managed to look out for herself, without anyone's help; but she thought she'd go along with them. For now at least. If there was a rules that she didn't agree with, she wouldn't follow it. "Fine. Go ahead and do tell the so-called rules" she put emphasis on the last word as she told them.

"1. You respects your brothers and me. Respect goes both ways.

2. You ask and let us know if you're going out. Always tell one of your brothers if I'm not here, but tell me.

3. No drinking or smoking.

4. No boys.

5. Lights out at 11 pm on weekdays, and 12 am on weekends. No later than that unless necessary.

Got it?" Richard spoke to Kyla directly as he slightly narrowed his eyes.

"Crystal... But now you must do something for me too, Richard, in order for me to follow your rules," Kyla told her father. With a small nod, as an indication to proceed Richard was ready to hear what Kyla had to say. "I do not want you to contact or get in touch in anyway space of form to my mother. She's happy now, and I don't want you, messing that up for her just because you want her back. If you need to talk to my mom, for whatever reason you tell me. You didn't want her in your life at one point, well guess what? I don't want you in her's either. Got it?" Kyla had said with such disdain to Richard.

Richard didn't want to agree with his daughters rule, still deep down he knew she was right. If her mom, Mary, was happy he could take that away from her. So nonetheless it was why he reluctantly said, "I understand".

Out of now where, Elijah stepped forth to Kyla. He felt that Kyla was going to make everything in her power to avoid his brothers and him. He was not wrong, Kyla didn't plan anytime soon to play siblings with them. "We also ask that you follow something from us" he noted turning to his brothers to seek their approval. With a silent approval between them all, he continued, "you must spend time with us everyday for at least an hour." In her ear he whispered, "because if not we can make your time her unbearable".

Kyla was not scared of the boys. Yet, after hearing Elijah's words, she grew a little terrified at the idea of them doing anything to her. His words sounded as a warning, instead of a threat.

"Okay, then" she answered them calmly, although she was still wary and wasn't going to  open up to them in the ear future. "I guess these are the terms for us, if we're going to make it work for a year"

"I'm going to head up to my room now" Kyla let them know not even asking them if she could, not leaving any room for discussion. Once in her room, Kyla let out a breathe she didn't;t know she was holding. While downstairs her anxiety was skyrocketing. She was trying her hardest to not let them see how anxious she was or would have had an anxiety attack.

All I have to do is follow there terms for a year with them, Kyla repeated to herself as a mantra.




Hope you liked this chapter :)

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