Identify Yourself: Powerful New Rivals!

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We continued to stare at the foreign shinobi. And kitty boy was trying to put the blame on us. "Shut up. Or I'll kill you."

Well. Aren't you a little ray of sunshine? Not. Gaara turned to us. "I'm sorry for any trouble he's caused." You liar. He studied Sasuke and me for a bit. I tilted to my head to the side. He's extremely frightening but yet intriguing. I couldn't quite look away from him.

He suddenly dispersed into sand and rematerialized beside his team. "Let's go. We didn't come here to play games." He said and walked pass his team.

I frowned and sniffed the air. His sand smells like . . . blood. Huh. He sure is a strange one. Sakura ran forward a bit. Oh great. "Hold on! Hey!" she demanded.

They stepped and the blonde girl from their team spoke. "What?" They didn't even turn around. Psh. Jerks. "I can tell from your hand bands that you come from the Village Hidden in the Sand. Of course the Land of Fire and the Land of Wind are allies, but no shinobi can enter another's village without permission. So state your purpose."

"Sure Sakura. Kitty boy picks on a kid but you're concerned about their permission slips." I muttered sarcastically.

Sakura turned and sent me a glare and I held my hands up in surrender. "Really? Have you all been living under a rock or what? You don't know what's going on do you? We have permission."

She held up a pass. Hm. Well that's weird. "Of course you're correct. We are Hidden Sand shinobi. Our home is the Land of the Wind. And we're here for the chunin exams. Get the picture?"

God she's a snob. "The chunin exams? What's that? I've never heard of any chunin exams believe it." I fell to the ground hard. Oh this is ridiculous. I glared at my brother. He jumped and moved back to get out of my wrath. "God damn it Naruto you- how could you- you insufferable- AHG!"

I'm going to kill him! Sasuke gave my hand a squeeze before letting go again. I groaned and rubbed my head as Konohamaru explained it to Naruto.

"Oh I believe it alright. You're totally clueless." I shot a glare at the girl. "Watch it kid or I'll punch you straight out of this village." I seethed.

She flinched back a bit but didn't back down more. I smirked. What now. As soon as Konohamaru finished explaining Naruto was fired up.

So the three started walking away. "Hey, you! Identify yourself." Sasuke stepped up. The group stopped again and turned back at us. The girl turned and pointed to herself smiling. "Hm? You mean me?" she asked hopefully.

"No. Him. The guy with the gourd on his back." Ha! Shot down. I snickered a bit. "My name is Gaara of the desert. I'm curious about you. Who are you?"

Sasuke smirked. Gah. I like his smile better. "I am Sasuke Uchiha." Gaara then turned his gaze to me. Eh? He wants to know my name too? "I'm Miyuna Uzumaki. It's nice to meet you Gaara. Not so much your bitch and the girl."

And boy did that piss off kitty boy. I giggled and felt myself being pushed behind someone. Huh? Sasuke had pushed me behind him. Well then. This isn't weird at all. Not.

What's wrong with him? I looked around him to see him and Gaara in a stare off. I shivered at the tension in the air.

"Hi there! I bet you're dying to know my name right?" Naruto asked cheekily. "I couldn't care less."

I frowned but didn't say anything. Instead I watched them turn and start to leave. Sasuke just smirked. I sighed. He's going to get competitive again.

I sweat dropped as Konohamaru deadpanned about how compared to Sasuke Naruto's lame. That's when I noticed three other chakra's nearby and I turned fast in the direction.

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