Formation! The Sasuke Retrieval Squad! Miyu's Determination!

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I winced as the sunlight hit me. Grumbling I opened my eyes. I was laying on my bed, tucked in. What happened? I don't remember coming home last night. Ah! I sat up fast. Sasuke. Sasuke!

Quickly getting out of bed I ran off. I ran all the way to his house. Please no. It was a dream. It had to be a dream! There's no way he'd leave!

With my spare key he gave me I slammed open the door. "Sasuke!" I shouted. The dark house seemed empty as my voice had gone unheard. No. I quickly darted upstairs and slammed his bedroom door open.

My eyes widened at the sight. No.

I walked into the empty room. I checked his dresser; some of his clothes were missing. So he really did leave. Ah. Atop his dresser was our team photo, faced down. I fell to my knees. He left.

He left me. He left. Sasuke. Tch. "You are not going to that psychopath." I growled. As long as I live, I won't let him use you. Not caring about chakra preservation, I Flash Stepped to Tsunade. Izumo and Kotetsu jumped in surprise at my sudden appearance.

She blinked. "What is it?" She asked, seeing the look on my face. "Sasuke left for Orochimaru late last night. When I tried to stop him he knocked me out. We need to form a retrieval squad. We could still catch up. Please Lady Hokage." I bowed.

She knew I was serious when I didn't refer to her as Grandma Tsunade. It was quiet for a bit. "I understand. Izumo, Kotetsu, there's somebody that I need to see. Go get Shikamaru Nara." The two behind me nodded and quickly left.

I bit my lip. The feeling of betrayal washed over my body. How could he? No, it's the curse mark. It has to be. But for Sasuke to take such measures . . . Orochimaru is just going to use him. He wants the Uchiha power!

And I'll be damned if I let him use it.

"Miyu, I understand you're upset. But I'm going to need you and Shikamaru. Do you think you can thi-"

"Grandma Tsunade. I have a plan. I'm going to go through with it. I'd like your permission but even if I don't get it, know I will go through with it." I looked up and stared into her light brown eyes. She seemed surprised by my sudden change of attitude. "Okay. What's this plan?"


Eventually Shikamaru showed up. He seemed surprised to see me already here, and the serious look on my face. It was the same face I had back on at the academy.

"Late last night Sasuke Uchiha left the HiddenLeafVillage." Tsunade got right to the point. Shikamaru was shocked and glanced at me, curious of my reaction. But I just kept up my façade. "According to Miyuna, he left to be with Orochimaru, we're quite certain he's headed for the HiddenSoundVillage." She continued.

"He just left?! How could this happen." I clenched my jaw. "Orochimaru lured him. He has Sasuke in his clutches." I answered honestly.

Shikamaru looked shocked. "What? Wait! That doesn't make any sense. What does Sasuke have to gain by talking to someone as depraved as Orochimaru?" He asked, not believing Sasuke would just leave.

I wouldn't either. But I watched. "At this point his motive doesn't matter. We need to deal with it quickly. I've decided it's time for the two of you to carry out your first mission as Chunin. And you, Shikamaru, will lead this mission."

I nodded. "So all we gotta do is bring Sasuke back?" He clarified. Tsunade stared at us, a very serious atmosphere around her. "Yes, that's your mission. But it must be accomplished without delay. And you may find it a more dangerous task then you think."

Yeah. Those sound jockeys. "He's accompanied by four Sound Ninja. And based on their chakra levels they're stronger then us. And they have the Curse Mark. My guess they're part of an elite team." I informed him, remembering them from last night.

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