Inheritance! The Necklace of Death!

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"So you picked a fight with her and now you have to master the Rasengan in one week or she gets Ganma?" I asked, referring to his wallet frog.

He nodded. I sighed. I had returned to our room to see only Naruto. "I'm gone for thirty minutes and this is what happens." I grumbled. He merely chuckled. Before I could scold him there was a knock at our door.

My brother and I exchanged glances before I opened it. Oh its that woman. The one with Tsunade.

"I know it's awfully late, I'm sorry, but I must talk to you two." Hm? I glanced at my brother. "I want to get a good night sleep because I'm going to start training first thing in the morning." Naruto explained.

"That's just it. Before you get into this, there is something you must know about the necklace. And also about Lady Tsunade." I snorted, crossing my arms. "I couldn't care less about the crazy old hag."

Naruto nodded in agreement. "Don't say that! She's not the type of person you think she is! What-what right- you don't know anything about her!" The woman is all flustered.

She seemed to realize her action and looked at is apologetically. "Please forgive me. I didn't mean to shout."

She must care for the old woman a lot. "Lady Tsunade wasn't always like that. She used to be so kind and dedicated to the village, but she's changed."

It was quiet. Naruto and I waited patiently for her to continue. "But ever since that day . . . that day she lost all she had. Dreams, hopes, everything. She had nothing left after that. Except the necklace and all of its memories. Please understand that necklace is more precious then life for her."

Naruto did mention that the necklace she has would be his if he won their bet. "It's not simply a piece of jewelry to be gambled away for a silly bet."

"Look, a bets a bet. Anyway it was her idea, not mine." Naruto stated. "You'll be sorry! If you think it's something you'll be able to wear like a trophy- this is not just any necklace! It won't accept anyone else wearing it. Only on Lady Tsunade does it remain safe. When anyone else puts it on, they die."

I snorted. "Whatever. If you're here just to mess with his mind then get out! You have no right to speak to my brother like that! You don't even know him!"

She blinked and looked down. "I'm sorry, it's just . . ."

"If it was as precious to her as she claims then she shouldn't have gambled it." I told her seriously. She looked down, lost in thought.

"Lady Tsunade had a younger brother. On his thirteenth birthday, she gave him that necklace. His dream was to become Hokage, so he loved that necklace. However the next day, he died. His body was almost unrecognizable. Lady Tsunade then worked hard on trying to pass a law. That every squad to have at least one shinobi skilled in the medical arts. Although many did not aid her, one man did. My uncle."

"Over time, she became closer to him, and she loved him dearly. He too also had a dream to become Hokage. However the day before they were to go into war, she gave him the necklace, to support his dream. But the next day, in the midst of battle, he died before her eyes as she tried to heal him."

I see. Seeing your brother, and the one you love die. That would make anyone a mess. I can't imagine Naruto and Sasuke dying.

If I did, I don't know what I'd do.

But to say that anyone who wears it dies . . . isn't that really just a coincident? And to bet it . . . maybe she wants to be saved from her pain. Maybe, some part of her believes Naruto can.

"So you see Naruto, Miyuna, that was the day. It changed her. She's been in torment ever since." I would too. I don't think I could handle that.

Naruto walked pass her and out into the hallway. "Where are you going?" The woman asked. "Out. I need to start training." He then left, leaving the woman baffled.

I stepped up, following him, before stopping. "What's your name?" I asked her, not bothering to look at her. "Shizune." She answered quietly. "Well then, Shizune, my brother isn't like anyone you've ever seen."

"Huh?" I looked up at the ceiling. "I do admit, I don't believe I could handle it. I don't doubt that that's the reason she turned out nasty. But don't worry, I'm sure he's going to help her." I turned to her, a half smile on my lips. "Because my big brother is amazing, he'll help the old bat. Just you wait. If anyone can do anything to help Tsunade, it's Naruto Uzumaki!" I ran out, heading out to practice the Rasengan as well.

No matter what, I'll keep on moving forward. Tsunade may not be able to do it, but I still can. I can grow more with my brother. And together, we'll protect the things we cherish.

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