A New Training Begins: I Will Be Strong!

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I'm scared. Please. I don't want to be alone. I'm scared. Please don't leave me alone.

"You're not alone." A soft male voice spoke. Huh? I looked up to see a man standing in front of me. He wore a large white coat with red fire designs. Blonde hair that's spiked up, blue eyes that held nothing but kindness, and a leaf headband on his forehead.

"You . . ." I whispered, knowing full well who he is. He smiled gently. "You're not alone. This is only a Genjutsu. Wake up Miyuna." He walked up to me an gently caressed my cheek.

The pain within my heart immediately melted away and a sense of calmness filled the void. He's right. I need to calm down. "I can't stay much longer. I shouldn't really be here, but I didn't want you to lose heart."

He stepped back. I immediately snatched his hand. "Please don't leave me alone." I pleaded. He smiled and ruffled my hair. "You know very well that you're not alone. You have your brother, your friends, and your sensei's. Everyone in the village. Everything will be alright. Now wake up. Your friends are worried about you."

I smiled lightly as did he. A sense of serene filled my being. "I'll talk to you again one day. But only when you are ready." With that he disappeared. Alright. I'll see you again someday. Dad.

I snapped my eyes open, scaring my brother and Jiraiya.

I coughed and grabbed my head in pain. Damn that hurt. I sat up and groaned. Looking around, I saw that Guy had Sasuke slung over his back.

"Miyu!" Naruto wrapped his arms around me and brought me to his chest. I returned the hug, remembering what I was shown in Itachi's Genjutsu.

It wasn't real. It wasn't real.

"How are you awake? Kakashi is unconscious." Guy wondered aloud. I bit my tongue before words could escape. I couldn't possibly say my father saved me.

Even I'm not sure how that happened.


After Guy went back to the village, we continued our journey. "Are you sure you're alright Miyuna?" Jiraiya asked. I sent him a small smile. "I'm a little shaken up, but I'll be fine. Afterall, we're going after Tsunade right?"

He blinked in surprise. "How did you-" I continued walking. "It's not that hard to figure out. We're lacking a Hokage, and the next one must be the most powerful ninja in the village. That leads us to the Three Sanin. But Orochimaru is a traitor, and Tsunade isn't in the village anymore. You were probably offered the position but declined. And that's why we're after her. So she can become our Hokage. Besides, she's famous for her medical Ninjutsu. We could really use her."

"Are you really a kid?" He asked. I ignored him and turned to Naruto, who was by my side, looking at the ground, lost in thought. "What's wrong?" I asked.

He looked at me. "That guy, Itachi. You knew him. And what just happened . . . was he the one who put you in the hospital a few years back." I nodded at the memory. This perked Jiraiya's interest.

They sensed my mood and decided not to talk about it. Which is good, because I'm not even sure if I'm emotionally stable enough to tell it. That Genjutsu really got to me.

Naruto stopped and touched his stomach tentatively, where the seal is. "So, Pervy Sage, what exactly do those guys want with me anyway?" Naruto asked.

Jiraiya stopped and looked back at him, a calculating look on his face. "Come on, out with it. You know don't you?"

The wind picked up and it was silent for a moment. "Don't get the wrong idea. It's not you they want. It's what's inside of you." The Nine Tails. But what do they want with a Tailed Beast? I don't understand.

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