Byakugan vs. Shadow Clone Jutsu!

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I let out a loud, unattractive yawn. The girl from the Sand Village looked at me strangely. "What?" I snapped. She flinched the tiniest bit before turning away. That's what I thought.

"Welcome all! And our deepest thanks for coming here to the Village Hidden in the Leaves for this year's chunin selection." Gramps voice echoed. Still not entirely happy with him at the moment.

"We have come to the final competition between the ten candidates who made it through the preliminaries. We ask that no one leaves until all the matches have been completed. Now everyone enjoy!" The crowd erupted with cheers.

This is annoying. What a pain. I looked over the candidates one more time. You better hurry it up Sasuke. Or you'll miss your fight.

"Oh. There's one more thing before we get started." I glanced at our proctor boredly. "Look it over. There's been a slight change in the match ups." I zoned him out. I already know this. I watched as Gaara took care of Dosu and I overheard gramps talking about it.

I glanced at Gaara as the memory came back.


I stood across the building having a stare off with Gaara. I was just wandering around minding my own business when his sand brought me to him. We've just been staring at each other for an hour.

Until Dosu showed up. He gave me a creepy look before turning to Gaara. "I was planning on attacking you while you slept. If I fight and defeat you now, then in the next round I can battle the one I really want to face, Sasuke."

I wasn't a big fan of him. Not when he first spied on us, not when we were taking the written exam, and especially not after the forest of death fiasco. I hated him and his team.

And he's still after Sasuke. I narrowed my eyes on him. "Is he an acquaintance of yours?" Gaara asked. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of Gaara either. I do like him more than Dosu though.

I snorted as I glared down mummy man. "More like a nuisance." Gaara said nothing to this. I didn't think much of it until his sand took action.

"Wh-what in the world are you?!" Dosu's voice cried out.

I glanced at Gaara after he finished him off. He looked at me with blood thirsty eyes. I had to go. Because I could tell he wanted more. And I'm not dying by his hand.

~Flashback End~

He's a fearsome person indeed. "Miyu." I blinked out of my thoughts to see Shikamaru pulling me away. "We need to go up. Naruto's fight with Neji is about to start.

I nodded and followed him. I glanced at my brother. Although logic states he shouldn't win, I'd put all my money on him. I smiled. Good luck big brother.

I then turned and walked off. Now for the Uchiha. He's still training with Kakashi. He better get his ass moving. His match is next.

I stood with the others at the observation deck, standing next to Shikamaru. I smirked and glanced at him. "1,000 yen says Naruto wins." He returned my smirk with one of his own. "I'll take that bet."

I then looked back at the arena. You can do it big brother. Don't make me lose any money. We're running low on our monthly payment.

I watched Naruto and Neji face off. "You got anything to say to me?" Neji asked. Naruto kept a serious face and held out his fist like he did when he vowed victory after Neji's fight with Hinata. I closed my eyes. This is more than a test on ranking. It's personal. And Naruto won't lose.

Naruto looked pissed though. "Only what I told you last time. I vow to win!" Neji activated his Byakugan. The lines apparent on his face. He's studying Naruto and I smirked.

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