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As night approached, you got and headed out to meet Wednesday by the the statue as promised. To say you were nervous was an understatement, you had to remind yourself several times that it was not a date. When you arrived, you saw Wednesday already waiting for you. "Your late", she said coldly. "I'm sorry, I just ran into some trouble".

"Let's get this over with".

"Alright so, I have a hunch, there is a riddle we need to solve before entering this room and my thoughts are the riddle is in the book up there".

"Climb and read out what it says. It's a good think I bought a book and a pen". And so you did just that, reading out every piece of information as Wednesday wrote it down. Once you were done, you climbed down and looked into the book. She began circling all the letters of every beginning. "Snap twice", you read aloud.

She snapped her fingers twice and you heard a click sound before the statue began turning to reveal and pathway. You and Wednesday looked at each other. "Ladies first", you motioned for her to wall. She rolled her eyes but you could see the faint smile on her face. The two of you made your way down rhe stairs and began searching for the book that had to symbol that matched the paper. Someone suddenly creeped up behind Wednesday and before you could shout, you were bagged and then everything went black.

A few minutes later, you awoke to see Wednesday tied to a chair with a bag on her head. You realized you were also tied and then several fully cloaked people formed a circle around you two. "Who dares enter our sanctuary?", someone asked. "You can take off the mask Bianca", Wednesday said.

They took off the hood of their clothes to reveal them as none other than your dumbass friends. "Nevermind you looked better with it on...", you mumbled. You took a good look at the everyone and was suddenly shocked to see Chris. "Chris?!".

"Oh Hai sis!".

"What are you doing here?".

"I joined last month wait, how did the two of you know about this place?".

Before you could answer, Wednesday beat you to it. "It would take a child to figure it out".

"What are we gonna do with these two here?", Bianca asked. "I say we invite to pledge", everyone looked at Xavier with shocked expressions. "What? Wednesday has a legacy and y/n now has a legacy now that her brother is here".

"We're not interested in joining", Wednesday said. "Untie them", Bianca ordered. "I freed myself five minutes ago". Wednesday got up up intied you before dragging you out but stopped halfway on the step. "It's amateurs like you who give kidnapping a bad name".

Once the two of you made it out of the library, Wednesday sighed. "We didn't get what we came for".

"Don't worry, I'll make sure I find that book for you". Wednesday looked at you. "I don't get why your still nice to me?". You were contemplating whether you should tell her or not. "Is there something on your mind?".

"Wednesday... I don't know how or why but I'm in love with you".

Wednesday's eyes widened. "Y/n, I'm not friend material yet alone girlfriend material, besides, it's wrong for a girl to like a girl". Of course you were expecting an answer like that but I still hurt you. "I'm sorry- you don't have to apologize because you don't like me. I didn't expect you to return my feelings either way because it's not in my fate to fall in love. Good night Wednesday". That last part got Wednesday extremely intereste but before she could say anything, you were already on your way to the dorm, unaware that both Ms. Weems and Ms. Marilyn had seen.

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