Chapter 1

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You were sat on a rock with your backpack beside you, they gave it you back since they knew you weren't a threat.

They watched as Chrollo sat down were he usually does with a small smile. His hair was slicked back like 12 year old Draco Malfoy. He was informed about the situation before thinking for a few moments.

He announced, the troupe listening closely,
" She seems useful, we will teach her what we know and she will join the troupe. If she refuses to join, then she dies,"

Everyone looked at you, waiting for an answer. The tension was heavy and the silence was very loud. No offence to Kurapika, but you've always found the troupe badass.

You nodded,
" Sure, I'm okay with that,"

—————— A month later ——————

You were currently training with Machi and you have improved drastically since you came here. Your reflexes are strong and you're improving on your speed. They've tried to activate Nen, but you had no nen chords.

You dodged Machi's attacks with ease before grabbing her wrist. You forced her arm behind her back before placing her on the ground with force. You've seen most of this move in movies, so you decided to try it.

Machi laughed at her action as you helped her up, wiping some blood of her cheek,
" You're getting strong, if you beat Feitan you'll be ready to join,"

The only way to join the troupe was to beat Feitan, who was incredibly fast. You have told them about the fake wig, they were surprised at first but then gotten used to the fact that you wore it. They found it smart since it covers up some of your identity, such as your hair colour and length.

You were starting to get ready to go against Feitan. This is your 5th time trying to fight him and you lost every time. Hopefully, you would beat him today. You've improved both physically and mentally.

He started to attack you, sending multiple blows towards you. You inhaled deeply, trying to concentrate on his moves.

He kicked you in the stomach, sending you flying into the wall. You coughed up a bit of blood as Shizuku had to restrain Machi from yelling at him.

You got up before finally finding a weak moment from him, he thought a kick in the stomach would make you quit, he was wrong. You disappeared from his sight, surprising him before he was thrown into a wall from a strong kick to the side.

He wiped some blood of his mouth with a grin, the fighting finally getting interesting. The troupe gave surprised glances as they watched with interest.

You dodged Feitan's attacks, your body moved on it's own in the process. You have no idea how you were matching with his speed, but it's like your body knew what to do.

Feitan tried to punch you, but you dodged it and elbowed him in the ribs. Once the pain struck him, you punched him in the face, hard. He stumbled back a few steps, his nose now bleeding from the impact.

Nobunaga laughed,
" I think she'll actually win this time!"

Phinks nodded, his eyes never leaving the match. He had to admit, you've only been training for a month and to gain this must speed in that time is impressive.

Feitan examined the glint of determination in your gaze, it was faint, but it was there. Nobody in the troupe has ever beat him and you managed to get two hits on him. He's impressed.

He held his arms up in surrender,
" I.. surrender.... she wins,"

They all cheered as they walked over to you. Machi ran over to you before engulfing you into a tight bestie hug, proud that you finally beat him. You got pats on the back from Phinks , Franklin and Nobunaga and hugs from the rest. Excluding Feitan. Hisoka just watched from afar with his usual creepy smirk.

Chrollo looked up from his book,
" Are you ready to join the troupe now, Y/n?"

You nodded with an excited smile, causing him to nod with a hum in response,
" Machi, please escort Y/n to the tattoo place to get her spider mark done,"

She nodded before leading you to a room that was hidden from plain sight. You sat on a rock shaped and carved as a table as you watched her get the tattoo ink and needle.

She asked,
" Where do you want it and how big do you want it? "

You thought for a moment before pointing to the inward side of your wrist,
" Here please and I don't want it to big, just medium sized please,"

She began to tattoo the spider on your wrist, the needle pricking but it wasn't as painful as you expected. Your number was 0 with a slash through the number to make it look cooler.

It took half an hour to do the tattoo but once it was done, it looked really cool. You felt like an actual member now and it felt great. If you ever do meet Kurapika, you have to try and reason with him.

You both walking into the main room before Chrollo looked at you,
" Y/n, I've assigned you a single task to get you the experience. There's a diamond necklace that's held by a mafia boss in a casino, he'll be there later tonight. I want you to steal it and return it,"

You were surprised by the sudden assignment but nodded in response, knowing that he was the boss of the troupe. The best way for you to reach a mafia boss was to seduce him, which wasn't going to be fun.

Hisoka crossed his arms with a smirk, texting Illumi that there was a new member of the Phantom Troupe.

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