Chapter 12

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You opened your eyes to see Alluka smiling back at you. You noticed a glint of curiosity in her eyes from your wish, wondering what you meant. You ruffled her hair,
" I'll tell you next time,"

She pouted but didn't argue before asking as you stood up,
" Y/n, can I call you big sister?"

Surprised, You looked at her before nodding, feeling happy that she thought of you as a big sister. You gave her one last hug before leaving, getting ready to tell Illumi the truth.


You knocked on his bedroom door before be gave you permission to walk in. You closed the door behind you, feeling a pair of arms wrap around you from behind. You laughed at the sudden action, it felt as if a bear was hugging you.

He stated,
" You do know you don't need to ask permission to walk in, your my girlfriend,"

You chuckled nervously,
" Sorry, it feels weird walking into someone's room without their consent, it doesn't feel right,"

He let out a low chuckle, sending shivers down your spine. You cleared your throat before sitting down on his bed, trying to clear the anxiety coursing through your veins. You didn't know how he would react to you being from another world, you just hoped it wasn't a negative reaction.

You told the truth, telling him about the whole different world problem. He didn't looked surprised but you could tell he was by how his body stiffened.

You felt guilty for not telling him sooner as your throat began to burn from holding back tears that were caused from the feeling,
" I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, I thought I could handle it myself, but I was wrong. I was scared that you would look at me differently,"

He stared at the floor in thought as a few tears escaped and began to roll down your cheeks. He wanted to be mad at you, or at least feel a bit of anger, but he couldn't.

Hs questioned wether it was a side affect of loving someone, which was strange since he still hasn't gotten used to the feeling of love yet.

He cupped your cheeks, wiping away your tears with his thumb before pulling you into a hug for comfort. You hugged back as he spoke,
" You know how much I hate seeing you cry,"

You couldn't help but smile as you rested against his body, loving the feeling of his warm embraces. You suddenly got the worst feeling you have ever gotten and it felt like a wave hit you.

You slowly got up, trying to figure out the overwhelming feeling inside as you felt a person from your world, come into this one. You didn't know how you could sense them but you could and it was terrifying. The worst thing was that you knew who it was. It was him.

You felt like you were going to have a panic attack from the amount of fear you felt and you hated it. You curled up against Illumi, your body shaking as he asked you repeatedly what was wrong.

You choked out, your voice cracking,
" He's here, Illumi. I felt him, he's in this world,"

It took him a moment to think before realizing who it was. His grip around you tightened in response as if he was protecting you from something in the room.

He promised,
" Don't worry, he won't lay a hand on you, if he does he's going to have to go through me, the troupe, and my family, "

You thanked him before lying there in his arms, playing with some of is hair. You calmed down, his embrace feeling safe and warm, almost like a shield.

You asked,
" What if Kai does get me?"

He didn't hesitate to respond,
" Then I won't stop until I get you back,"

You pecked him on the cheek with a smile before snuggling back into his arms, his back leant against his cushions on the bed. You wanted this moment to last forever, just you and him snuggling like the world around didn't exist.

Your eyes began to feel heavy from all the warmth before you slowly began to fall asleep, the world around you soon turning dark.


Kai groaned as he held his head from the throbbing pain as he stood up, realizing he's in the middle of a field. Luckily, he payed attention to the anime you watched so he knew were he was. He was on Whale Island.

He walked through the small town and eventually got a map from a guy. He thought for a moment on were you could be before circling the main city on the map. The Republic of Padokea.

On the way to the city, he heard a familiar voice on the small TV's that are strapped on the ceiling, he also noticed people didn't stop watching it. He looked up to see you were singing at a casino.

He chuckled at how famous you were getting before lying back in his seat,
" You always did have a good voice,"

At least he had a hint of where you were and he couldn't wait to see you again.

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