Chapter 19

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You woke up to a banging headache, feeling as if you had been hit on the head with a bat. You slowly got up, wincing from the sharp pain of your cuts. You realized you were lead on the bed in the hotel room, meaning Illumi and your friends had saved you.

Sighing in relief, you knew Feitan was handling him in his torture room. There was a great possibility that Kai won't walk out alive. A feeling of relief and freedom filled you as you leant against the soft pillows.

You whispered to yourself,
" It's over. It's finally over,"

You heard the door open to see Alina running in, her eyes widening once she saw you awake. Happiness filled her expression as she climbed onto the bed and hugged you tightly. You laughed and hugged her tightly, being careful not to hurt hurt yourself more.

She pulled away, beginning to sob happy tears,
" I-I thought you were g-going to die,"

Your heart clenched in pain at the sight of her crying, the feeling of guilt taking over. You wiped her tears before pulling her closer, letting her small body curl against you,
" I'm not going anywhere, I promise,"

She nodded before Illumi walked into the room, his eyes widening slightly when he saw you awake. He sat beside you on the bed, watching as you slowly got up and leant into his touch, giving him a hug.

He wrapped his arms around you, kissing your forehead before stating,
" He's gone now, "

You nodded, his presence relaxing you, your eyes grew heavy before falling asleep in his embrace. The tiredness of fighting soon washing over you.


Flashback - 5 years ago
Age: 15 years old

You came home from karate club with a heavy sigh, desperate to climb into your bed and
sleep. As you opened the door, a wave of anxiety hit you. The house was way to quiet.

Your heart rate slowly began to increase as a pit formed in your stomach. Gulping nervously, you walked into the house, your eyes widening from how messy the place was.

The plates were smashed and the windows were shattered, along with the TV and furniture. Your mind tried to process what could have happened before screaming for your parents, hoping they were okay.

You ran upstairs, barging into their room in worry, adrenaline pumping through your body like you had just ran a marathon. The sight made your knees grow weak.

Your parents were led on the bed that was now covered in blood. They were led on the bed, looked as if they had covered themselves shoulder to ankle in red paint.

Your mother had a dagger in her stomach, her weak, cold hands clutching it. Your Father had a bullet wound to the side of the head, his blood creating a puddle beside him.

You dropped to your knees as a scream exited your lips, your heart clenching at the sight. Your body shook from shock as you grabbed your phone and began to call the police/cops.

That day, everything changed in your life, and you will never forget it.


Two days after you were saved

You had recovered and your wounds had healed, some had turned to scars and some haven't. Canary offered to take Alina out for a day in which you thanked her in response, wanting to go out with Illumi.

You gave Alina a hug before watching her walk out the hotel with Canary to go to the park and other fun places for kids. You walked into the room to see Illumi was on his phone, sat on the bed with an emotionless expression.

He had been silent since the whole incident went down and it began to worry you. He's never spent so much time on his phone, you questioned if something happened that you didn't know about?

You wrapped your arms around his neck from behind, placing your head on his shoulder,
" What you doing?"

He closed his phone before responding, his voice low,
" Nothing,"

You let out a heavy sigh, getting the same response as you did the other few times. It doesn't take a genius to see that he wasn't alright. You made him face you, a worried expression plastered on your face,
" What's wrong? Ever since Kai you've been acting different,"

He just went silent, his gaze turned from you to the floor. You noted,
" You can trust me, you know,"

He intertwined his hand with yours as you watched him think for a moment, his gaze never leaving the floor. You began to get more worried by the second and Illumi could sense that.

He squeezed your hand and began,
" When you got kidnapped, I felt....fear. I'm an assassin, I can't feel emotions, I don't want to feel emotions. Ever since you came into my life, I finally had a weakness. You,"

He looked at you, his expression still showed no emotion but deep within his eyes showed pain and sadness. A part of his words hurt affected you a bit, making your heart clench in a way it shouldn't. He didn't want to feel emotions? He didn't want to feel love?

Your throat burned from the tension of you choking back sobs as you replied, staring at your intertwined hands,
" You may be an assassin, but you're human. Everybody has feelings and it's natural. Sometimes you forget that in order to go through life, you must win and lose battles,"

He tightened his grip on your hand a bit, your words affecting him deep down, even though he doesn't show it. You pulled him into a tight hug, sitting beside him and letting him lean his head on your body.

His head was on your chest with his arms around your waist, listening to the sound of your heartbeat. He knew you were right. He may try and avoid emotions, but there was nothing he could do about it. He's human and he chose to accept that. The wall within him that contained his emotions had finally shattered completely.

He thanked you before pulling the hug and giving you a passionate kiss. You just laughed and kissed back. He soon pulled away,
" I know a place were we can go together,"

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