Chapter 5

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All the Zoldycks were sat down, excluding Alluka. Canary bowed at them in respect,
" Y/n has arrived,"

She then left the room, leaving you with the most dangerous assassin family in the world. Kikyo smiled at you before pointing to an empty spot beside Kalluto,
" Come sit, we've been waiting for your arrival,"

You could hear the excitement in her voice as you sat down in the spare spot before placing your backpack beside you. The silence was very uncomfortable and you could feel their gaze on you.

Silva broke the silence,
" I'm guessing you have no clue to why we brought you here,"

You nodded, trying to act respectful so they don't kill you,
" Yes sir,"

Kikyo exclaimed as she sipped some tea from a teacup,
" Illumi has a mission tomorrow and we would like you to attend. Your singing is impressive and you're a beautiful young woman. You will fit perfectly for the roll, do you accept?,"

You listened intently, knowing that you have another mission coming up. You expected that to happen since the Zoldycks are loyal to their work. They will find anybody capable of the job to help.

You thought for a moment before giving them a smile,
" I accept, it's an honour to help your family, Mrs Zoldyck,"

She laughed at how polite you were to them, already taking a liking to you. She explained that you will be staying for a few nights to get some answers help with the assassination. You just agreed, finding it awesome that they asked for your help.

She offered you some tea, which you accepted with a thank you. It was a posh teacup; something you would see in a royal movie. You had to hold the small plate beneath it.

Illumi broke the silence,
" Y/n, Hisoka said you wear a wig. In order for us to trust you, we would like to see your true identity,"

You looked over towards him, noticing how serious he was about the situation before sighing heavily. You gently placed the cup of tea down before pulling the wig and net of your head.

Your long H/C coloured hair fell down over your shoulders. Kikyo fangirled in her seat at how you were more beautiful without the wig.

Kalluto thought out loud,
" You look like a princess,"

He blushed in embarrassment for saying the statement out loud and immediately began to continue his origami. You smiled at him in response, finding his embarrassment adorable.

Illumi hummed in response, not taking his gaze of you before taking a sip of some water from his glass. You found his stare the most uncomfortable out of all the Zoldycks.

Zeno suggested,
" Kalluto, why don't you go and show Y/n her room?"

It may have been a question but it sounded a bit like an order to you. Kalluto nodded before leading you out of the room. You admired the interior design of the house and how big it was. You had to go up a lot of stairs to get to your room, which you didn't like.

He stopped at two double doors before opening it, to reveal a massive room. There was a king sized bed in the middle of the room, the bed was big enough to fit three people. There was a closet, a desk, a separate cub hoard and you even had your own bathroom.

Kalluto informed,
" If you ever need help finding your room, you can always ask me,"

You smiled before thanking him.

     Meanwhile with the other Zoldycks

Kikyo asked as she poured more tea into her cup,
" Illumi, honey, what do you think of Y/n?"

He looked up at his mother before humming in thought. He doesn't know what to think about you. He's never really good with expressing his thoughts and emotions, so he just stated the obvious.

He responded,
" She's a smart girl, she'll do well as an assassin,"

Zeno commented,
" That's if she has the guts to kill someone,"

Illumi chuckled at his Grandfather's statement,
" I think she will, she managed to seduce the most dangerous mafia boss and use a sedative to knock him out.  I believe in her abilities,"

Kikyo smiled at the way Illumi was thinking positively about you and not negative. He never socialises with people other than Hisoka. She's proud that he's finally made another friend, that can kill, of course.

Silva spoke up,
" She wants to meet Alluka, her ability probably told her who she was, that also means she knows ' something '. We'll take her when she comes back down, I am a man of my word,"

Shocked, Kikyo looked at Silva before Zeno, both of them with a slight frown on their face. Illumi held his usual emotionless expression.

   —————— Back with you ————————

You watched as Kalluto was cutting out some figures that looked like the shapes of his family members. You were sat on your bedroom floor, crafting with him since he asked you to do so.

You cut out the shape of mike before placing it beside his, completing his family. He smiled up at you, feeling a warm sensation within his heart. He's never had someone to play with before, no one in the family didn't care about his origami.

You stood up before holding out your hand,
" Let's go back downstairs, they might be wondering were you are,"

He nodded before placing his artwork in his kimono pocket before grabbing your hand and began to walk downstairs. You mentally congratulated yourself for making one Zoldyck like you.

You sat down were you once was as Kalluto did to same thing, continuing to do his origami. Kikyo introduced everyone, not knowing that you already know who everyone is.

Silva interrupted Kikyo with a heavy sigh,
" Let's go and meet Alluka, "

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