Chapter 4

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The next day, you were chilling with the troupe before noticing Shizuku was giving you a curious look. You knew she was thinking of something but you didn't know what.

You asked,
" What's wrong, Shizuku?"

She hesitated to answer before pointing to the wig,
" You're always wearing that wig, we've never got a glance at what your real hair looks like. Can we see?"

You looked at everyone to see that now all the attention was on you. You wasn't affected by it since last night was worse enough. You sighed before nodding and gently pulled the wig off. You took the net of your hair before letting it down.

Their eyes widened, your natural hair colour made you even more beautiful. You looked at everyone who was staring at you, giving them a questionable look.

Confusingly, You asked,
" What?"

They quickly looked somewhere else whilst clearing their throat. You gave them all a suspicious look before shrugging it off. Hisoka walked over to you, ignoring your friend's glares before showing you his phone.

He smirked,
" Looks like someone wants to meet you tomorrow,"

Confused, you looked at the screen to see that the Zoldyck family wanted to meet you in person. It was a text from Illumi. You wanted to crawl under a blanket and hide for eternity after reading the message.

You groaned in irritation,
" Hisoka, this is all your fault,"

He just shrugged, keeping his smirk before texting Illumi,
" I'll tell him you'll be there by tomorrow afternoon, you have a long trip ahead,"

You wanted to kill this pervert of a clown so badly. You loved the Zoldyck family, but meeting them in person is just nerve racking. You were guessing Killua wasn't going since he's with Gon.

You sighed,
" Fine, tell him I'll go as long as I get to meet Alluka,"

He gave you a surprised expression as you just tapped the side of your head in response before walking to your room to pack.

( I don't know if they have planes or not so I'm just going to use blimps like they did in the hunter exam )

You hugged Machi and Shizuku tightly, you were going to miss them. They hugged back with a small laugh. You waved at the others before heading out to the airport.

If you were being honest, you had no idea how to get on the blimps. You even noticed people were whispering about you when you were walking past them. You've recently found out that the song you sung was live on the web, which was great ( note the sarcasm ).

You managed to get on the blimp to the destination of the Zoldyck household, which was at least a 2 hour flight. You placed you AirPods in before playing some songs. Your phone was 78%, so you had enough battery to listen to some on the way back.

A few hours later, you arrived at Kukuroo Mountain. You were anxious and excited to meet them, hopefully they would let you meet Alluka. You didn't want to get on her bad side.

You walked up to the gates of the mansion, they looked even taller in person. The man who operates the door recognised you by the description Illumi gave him before letting you through the large, thick doors.

You thanked him as he closed the doors behind you before leading you to the mansion. On the way, you encountered Mike, their unnaturally tall guard dog. He just stared at you before sniffing you.

You stroked his fur, causing him to nuzzle into your gasp. This surprised the guy since Mike never trusts people so quickly. You headed towards the mansion before he left you at the front doors, since he had to go back to his job.

You knocked on the door before waiting for a few minutes. You placed your AirPods in your small bag as the door opened, to reveal Canary. You lead you to the living room were the Zoldycks were sat waiting for you.

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