Chapter 17

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You shook your head, the straining in your throat from holding in sobs began to burn slightly. You responded, your voice shaking,
" Never, I'm not going back with you, I'd rather die,"

He frowned at your response, his aura turning menacing, intimidating you greatly,
" Do I have to remind you what happens when you disobey me?"

A tear escaped your eye as you flinched at the sharpness in his words, knowing you were pissing him off. He raised his hand, ready to hurt you before his hand was caught mid air.

You looked to see Illumi was stood in front of you protectively. Alina was hidden behind a wooden pole, trying to contain her breathing. She was scared for you, she didn't know who this man was, but he wasn't good news.

She glanced at the phone Illumi gave her in case anything went wrong, the contact number of the Phantom Troupe group chat up on the screen. She had a gut feeling that she had to text them, so she did.

She tried to focus on her grammar the best she could, her small hands shaking from fear and worry.

Illumi ( Alina ):

Hello? this the spiders?


Yes, who is this? Illumi?

Illumi ( Alina ):

It Alina, there a strange man in building, I think Y/n in trouble


Don't worry, we're on our way now


Illumi eyed Kai up and down, glaring at his every move,
" You must be Kai, Y/n told me a lot about you,"

Kai glared daggers at him as he forcefully took his wrist out of his grip. He felt pure anger when he placed his attention on Illumi, knowing that he was dating his girl.

He commented sarcastically,
" Glad to know I'm famous, now do me a favor and hand her over, we have some stuff to catch up on,"

" Over my dead body,"

They began to fight each other, leaving you to watch in fear at the side. You felt useless and hopeless, your body reacted to your fear and you hated it. You wish you were strong enough to beat him, but you didn't have the mental strength to do so.

Kai began to lose stamina since he wasn't as well trained as Illumi, but he wasn't going to give up. Kai watched as he pulled three needles out, ready to activate his nen. His body moved on its own before reaching for the gun that was hidden in his pocket.

Even a gun couldn't stop Illumi and he knew that, he thought for a moment before noticing a small, trembling figure a few feet away. He smirked, knowing that it was the little girl before grabbing her small form.

You gasped at the sight of him placing the gun against the side of her head, tears pouring like waterfalls from the small girl.

He threatened as a click was heard from the gun, his finger placed on the trigger,
" Come with me, or she dies,"

You couldn't let her be killed, the fear in her eyes was to painful to look at. You clenched your fists before walking towards him,
" Fine, but please let her go",

Your voice was shaky as he looked at Illumi, pulling out a syringe from his pocket,
" I made sure this sedative was strong enough to sedate an elephant, I may have tipped it up a bit. Now inject yourself,"

Illumi didn't feel anything, but there was a small amount of fear that was creeping up inside of him. He has never felt fear before, in fact he barely felt emotions, but seeing Alina with a gun to her head made him snap.

He did what he was told before Kai ran over to you and placed a needle into your neck, his moves catching you of guard. You gasped at the sharp feeling when you felt your body grow weak and heavy.

You watched as a green substance coursed through Illumi's veins as he suddenly got weak, needing to lean on the wall for support.

Alina tried to run over to you, but Kai stopped her from doing so by pointing the gun at her. You begged your body to move, but it was like talking to a brick wall. Your vision began to get blurry as you fell to the floor, feeling like there was a heavy weight placed on your back.

Then everything went black.


You woke up to being in a dark, concrete room. The only light was a single, weak lightbulb in the middle of the room. The walls were almost rotten and the bed you were lead on was just wood and a thin piece of fabric for a blanket.

You slowly got up as you heard the door open. You knew who it was so you didn't bother to look at him.

He grabbed your chin and forced you to look at him,
" I expect you to look at me when I want to talk, you got it?"

There's that sharp tone in his voice that always scared you. You just nodded before he let go of your chin before handing you some paper.

He smirked,
" It's nearly time, my love,"

You read the science papers before gasping at what he had done. You choked back tears, not knowing wether to be happy or sad.

" Nearly time to return back home,"

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