Chapter 3

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Gangsta - Kehlani

( If you're not a good singer just pretend you are in this story :) I'm not a good singer either )

The music got people's attention, you were nervous from all the attention but you made a promise to yourself to not fail your mission.

This music was new to this world since your world was more modern, so this was going to be fun. You also noticed Illumi was watching you like a hawk, which rattled your nerves more.

I need a gangsta,
To love me better
Than all the others do
To always forgive me
Ride or die with me,
that's just what gangsters do

Your voice was enchanting to everyone, which made all the attention go to you. You glanced at Kiyoshi to see he was looking at you with his arms crossed. You fought your anxiety and carried on.

I'm fucked up, I'm black and blue
I'm built for it, all the abuse
I got secrets
That nobody, nobody, nobody knows

Kiyoshi smirked, his long black hair falling over his shoulder. His eyes travelled down your body, loving the dress and the shape of your body at the same time. At least you were getting his attention.

I'm good on, that pussy shit
I don't want, what I can get
I want someone, with secrets
That nobody, nobody, nobody knows

You didn't notice a man was filming you on live, he was famous and everyone in the city was watching you sing like an angel. If you had known this, you would of been sick from all the attention.

———At the Phantom Troupe base ——-

They all watched you sing in the casino, shocked by how good you could sing. Singing was the last thing they expected you to be good at.

Shizuku commented,
" She's amazing,"

They all agreed, knowing you were going to succeed in getting Kiyoshi's attention. Hisoka just smirked from above, knowing that Illumi was watching her every move.


The song finished as everyone clapped in response, your song was like Beyoncé to them. You grabbed your phone before walking off stage and over to the bar to finish your drink.

As you sipped your drink, Kiyoshi walked over to you and sat beside you. You ignored the anxiety rising up inside from his presence. You would be proud of yourself for getting his attention, but the reminder of him being a dangerous mafia boss said otherwise.

He took your drink out of your hand with a smirk before drinking out of it, placing his lips were yours were. You wanted to gag at his action but you stayed in character and smirked at him. You felt like killing yourself right then and there. Especially when Illumi was sat at the other side of you.

You asked,
" What's a handsome man like you doing over here? Shouldn't you be playing poker with your friends?"

He smirked in response as he played with some of your hair, that was literally wig, but it was soft enough to feel like real hair,
" I would do but there's something else I would like to win tonight,"

You didn't notice this before but he looked like Eren just with black hair. You had to admit, he was attractive and was clearly around your age. You shook of your thoughts, cursing at yourself for being a simp before continuing the conversation.

You hummed in response, making sure to not break the eye contact with him,
" And what would that be?"

He held out his hand with a glint of lust in his gaze as he did so,
" How about I show you?"

You wanted to jump of a cliff from his flirting, finding it uncomfortable, but you was a great actor. You took his hand before he lead you downstairs to were he went earlier.

It was a creepy basement were you would expect people to do drug dealing. The cold air made you shiver slightly, this is not what you would expect in the basement of a famous casino.

A flash of light caught your eye, to see the diamond necklace neatly sat in an open briefcase. You took a mental note at the location before you both stopped in your place.

He lifted your chin up with his finger, examining your lips and imagining how they would taste. You noticed there was no bodyguards around, so you took the moment as a weakness.

You quickly took out a sedative from your bra before planting it in his neck, your movements to fast to read. Confused, he looked at you before pulling out the syringe in his neck, his body starting to feel weaker by the second.

You walked over to the brief case before placing the necklace in your bag. He tried to stop you but the sedative did it's job and made him pass out. He really needs to get new bodyguards, they suck at their job.



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You arrived back into the casino before walking out of the building, pretending as if nothing happened. You took an uber to the outside of the city before walking back to base.

You felt proud of yourself for achieving such an uncomfortable assignment. You were somehow disappointed thought that there wasn't a lot of action.

You walked into the abandoned building to see the troupe were sat waiting for you. You took out the diamond necklace before placing it in front of were Chrollo sat.

You exclaimed,
" Here is the diamond necklace you wanted me to get,"

He closed his book with a small smile before picking it up and placing it in another opened briefcase beside him, as if he knew you were going to succeed.

He thanked you before you were tackled into hugs by your friends, they finally saw you as a true member of the troupe.

As you left for bed, you looked up at Hisoka,
" Next time I go on mission, do notify me when you're going to get a Zoldyck on my case,"

His face showed slight surprise before smirking in response. You left the troupe to deal with him for that. You just wanted to go to bed.

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