Chapter 84- Killer

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Once Helena was done and dressed she was informed that the King wanted to exchange a word with her in the Warrior Hall. Whatever that was.

The clothing she has received was unlike any other clothing and armor she had back home. The leather hugged her body, exposing her figure as the lower part of her body had matching leather pants and boots detailed with arrows on the upper part of the boots. The upper arms were protected by layered square metal that sat quite well under the shoulder plates. The lower arms were covered in vambraces which had rows upon rows of small leather pieces, mimicking fish scales. Helena was also given a a red cloak to go along with her black ensemble which was surrounded by white fur on the hems, the Zaldrizey crest clearly imprinted on the front of the magnificent cloak.

Helena's hair has been braided into a single long braid, her black onyx hair reaching all the way to her waist.

She did not have Ice, but she had a blade of Valyrian steel. Seary said it was a gift from the King to welcome her and that the blades name was Morghon. It meant death in high valyrian.

Helena followed the Valyrian guards to the hall where she was supposed to be. Even the guards here looked different. They had no helmet's to protect their head, but instead were dressed closely alike Helena herself.

As she walked she observed the castle furthermore, admiring its beauty. There were candles everywhere, lightning up the already light room which were surrounded by windows letting the sunlight in. Valyria was, despite Helena hating to admit it, very beautiful. Almost magical.

Suddenly the guard stopped in front of a very big door that looked like a giant gate. The door was black, detailed with phrases and letters that Helena did not recognize whatsoever. Before she could observe the phrases and descriptions on the door it opened, revealing a big and spacious hall.

But she no longer searched the room in order to try and memorize how it looked. Her eyes glared at one person and one person only.

"Elyana!" King Jaelon said with a big smile on his face as he stood up, spreading out his arms if to welcome her. Helena walked inside the room, but did not stop staring at him bitterly.

"Just the one I've been looking for." King Jaelon said, walking toward her as his arm went around her, touching her shoulder and leading her to a table with chairs where he sat.

"You see, I've been wanting to know how strong you really are. I don't particularly feel like I need to risk my people's lives to see that, so I've got just the one!"

"Damien." Helena gritted her teeth as she sat down at the table, holding on to her sword.

King Jaelon knew that this was a man Helena wanted dead. This was the perfect opportunity for him to see how strong she really was, how skilled she was at the art of killing.

"You see, Damien here confirmed that you've never actually been trying to kill each other. You've never been in a duel or fight with him. So I thought, what better timing than now?" King Jaelon was dead serious, looking at Helena with those fascinatingly beautiful eyes of his.

Helena had indeed never been at Damien's neck, she knew better. But for some reason, anger took over her consciousness.

"You're right, your highness." Helena responded sturdily.

This man had betrayed her. Helena had managed to love him, fall for him and care for him. But that was long forgotten by now.

Helena was going to kill Damien today.

Damien's POV:

He never was afraid of her before. He never thought he could be afraid of someone he knew he could kill so easily.

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