Chapter 30~ The Seven God's who made us all

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Writer's note! : I know I don't make many comments or such, but this time I felt like explaining what is about to happen. The song linked is a song that inspired me very much, so I will be using the lyrics in this chapter! 

And thank you for all the views and nice comments! It really helps with the motivation. :) <3


Helena had knew it was a risk, but it was a risk she was ready to take. 

If the Unsullied were going to be there, with grey worm by her side and Devrys on her other side, she would be fine. Of course, she would be entering alone. But then again, her wearing a wig would help going around unnoticed. 

However, that was not the important matter. 

"I know I can't kill the Bolton's now," Helena said, walking towards the gates. "But I will give them a message by killing the King."

"Helena, that is insane-"

"I know every single step and room in that castle," Helena explained. "I know where I can and cannot be seen. Besides, I will be wearing a wig. Killing Joffrey will send everyone a message and maybe they won't know it's me, but they can always guess."

"And what about Rickon? What if the dies because of you-"

"They won't." Helena said stubbornly, however knowing that she was right. " Because if he does, I will kill him with fire."


"Listen Jon," she turned around, looking at her lovely brother that she had missed dearly. "I am not doing this for revenge. I am doing this so I can set everyone free of him, and I need to get Sansa back. I have left her and I need to get her back."

"What about Arya? Do you even know anything about her?" Which Helena did, Jon may not believe it, but she knew it. 

"Brienne of Tarth," Helena said as she commanded the men to open the gates. "She is on a journey looking for Arya. As soon as I get Sansa, I will be riding every inch of the country to search for her and Brandon." 

Helena walked towards her dragon with a determined look. 

"Every inch..." she said again as she flew off. 

Two Days Later

Everything was like she last remembered it. The castle, the people, the tension and the fear between everyone because of the royal and crazy family. Honestly, even Helena felt fear crawling up her spine for some reason. 

Of course, her dragons were nowhere to be seen, which was good. 

Helena was now dressed like one of the Septa's. Of course, there were many septa's in the castle, serving for nobles and such. Helena would just be one of them, barely noticeable. No one actually laid eyes on septa's. 

"You sure you ready, my Queen?" Devrys asked her outside the castle of King's Landing. Behind them, walking towards them, was Petyr Baelish. 

"I am." But she was unsure of that. This is where her father was killed and betrayed, this is also where her newborn son died and where she was tortured. Every bad memory comes from this place. 

Now she would throw all those bad memories in an attack. 

"Queen Helena." Petyr said, making Helena turn around as he smiled at her. She knew that he was not fully a man she could trust, however... He was in love with Catelyn, therefor he would help her and Sansa. 

She may not have been Helena's mother, but even Petyr could not deny her now. 

"You're as beautiful as ever, my Queen."

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