Chapter 56~ Immortal King

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Jon's POV;

Jon didn't know how to tell anyone about the current situation. The northerners would not take this lightly. They would either leave or blame Jon, however... It was meant to happen sooner or later. 

But then again... 

"I wonder," Queen Daenerys said as she looked at Jon, her beautiful hair shining. "The war of death is over now, we don't have to worry about it... But what about Cersei?" 

"What about her?" Jon questioned, narrowing his eyes. Daenerys looked outside the windows of the castle of Winterfell. As Jon looked he didn't expect to see much, but surely enough.... 

Men were leaving. 

"They believed in your sister," Daenerys said. "She killed Joffrey and ended House Frey for good... She won back the North and now she's stopped a war that could've killed us all." 

"Then they would have to stay."

"You're not her." Daenerys pointed, which made Jon look down at his hands. He knew he wasn't his twin, but he didn't care. He wanted her to come back. He knew that he made a horrible mistake and had failed completely. 

"Even the dothraki and some of the Unsullied has left because of her." Ser Jorah came inside the room, informing them. 

"But we're safe-"

"I wouldn't say you're safe." Bran suddenly said. "It was exactly this that shouldn't have happened."

"Bran?" Sansa echoed. "You should be resting-"

"Sansa." Jon interrupted, holding her back. If anyone had important info, it was Bran. "What do you mean, Bran?"

"The Seven Kingdoms needs someone gentle yet brave, someone respected but also feared and loved. Helena was that image and you let her go."

"Bran, that was her own choice. I understand you anger with me, but I could not stop her." Jon defended himself. Obviously, he did blame himself...But he felt too proud to say such things. 

Bran shook his head. 

"You made a mistake by waiting," Bran said. "The war you feared will be much worse."

Sansa looked at Jon, almost annoyingly. "Much worse?" she repeated. 

"The Night King will change her. Whatever it is, there's a bigger war coming." 

Helena's POV;

This Kingdom was much like the one she was used to see, except this was as snowy as ever. There were few like Damien, most of them were... literally dead. There were very few that were actually alive in the way Damien was. 

He said that his species was rare and old, as old as the children of the forest which he said was not a myth or legend. They were all real. 

His castle was like any other castle, most of it made of glass or what looked like ice, Helena was unsure. But this was truly something, and despite the fact that the castle itself was deep in the north the sun somehow peeked at the top of the castle. 

Helena was given her own chambers the minute she had arrived and Damien had gotten her dresses that resembled the dresses she was given at King's Landing. He had everything for her planned. 

"You will like it here." Damien said to her as she looked around what was suppose to be throne room. Of course, it was not the Iron Throne, but it was... Well, a throne of glass. A very beautiful throne. 

"I do not recall saying I would stay here." Helena said ironically. "I just told you to take me out of there." 

Damien laughed a little and walked towards her. "You're my Queen, Helena." 

But Helena still didn't understand. She didn't understand why someone as powerful as the Night King would want her to be his Queen, to rule by his side, to be the one to live amongst his side. 

"But why me?" she questioned him curiously. "I don't understand."

"You don't have to understand." he said quietly, not in a threathingely way but in a very calm and reassuring way. He had walked so close to the point where only inches separated their bodies. Slowly he lifted his right hand and stroked her cheek with his thumb, softly. His touch was warm for being a King beyond the Wall. 

"You don't scare me." Helena said as she swallowed. 

"But you're intimidated." And he was right. She was, but she wasn't about to admit that. Helena took a good long look at him, glaring into his eyes as if searching for an answer. 

"Why me?" she repeated, still looking into his eyes. He breathed in solemnly and exhaled, as if he was about to tell her a long story. And honestly, she hoped so. 

He moved away from her and walked away a little, as if he was thinking about telling her or not. Clearly, he wasn't actually going to walk away and not give her an answer. He might be powerful, but so was she. 

"Have you heard about the song of ice and fire?" Helena narrowed her eyes, shaking her head. 

"No." she answered, growing more curious. 

"You are the song of ice and fire." Well, that was helpful. "There hasn't been anyone like you for hundreds of years." 

"Like me?" she echoed. "What is the song of ice and fire? What does that mean?"

"Your mother is a Stark, one of the eldest northern Houses there has been. House Stark has special blood, magical, they go all the way back to the first men. Stark blood runs through your veins." Helena knew, had suspected, that the Stark's have magical blood. 

Otherwise, how would Bran suddenly become the three-eyed-raven? 

"Your father, a Targaryen, is of the blood of old valyria. The great dragon noble house Targaryen! You see, many don't know this, even the Targaryens didn't know this. But the Targaryens had a bond with dragons for a reason and that is because they had the blood of dragons. Literally." 

"I don't... I don't understand." Helena said, shaking her head solemnly. 

"You have fire and blood in your veins... Your mother was ice and your father was fire."

"I got that, yes! But what about it? What's so special about that?"

"You're not just any Queen, Elyana." There it was, her biological name. "You have more power than anyone alive. You have the magical blood in its purest form. You can't be harmed by fire, your dragons are loyal to you and only you. There's a reason for all the greatness you've achieved."

"I went through hell for that."

"But you grew stronger and stronger." Did she though? "Your wounds heal quicker than any normal human being." That was true. 

Just days ago she had fatal wounds on her back, thinking she'd die from these wounds. But they had healed quicker than she expected. 

"So, you're saying I'm..."

"Filled with magic that you haven't even unleashed yet." Damien said, almost sadly.

"...And stronger than you?" 

Damien gave her a smirk, walking towards her and suddenly pulling her very close to him, and she could not possibly find the strength to pull away. 

"I said you're stronger than those alive," he whispered into her ear. "I am not alive, my Queen." 

The Dragons Heiress (Game of Thrones)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang