Chapter 7~ Little bird

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Helena looked at herself in the mirror, knowing there was no way she could escape this hell. She had a strong will to survive, maybe the strongest, but that will did not exist with Joffrey. 

The wedding ceremony would be in about a month and Helena was thinking of every possible way to run away, to escape. Although, without any luck. 

In the meantime, Jory had proposed something quite different. Apparently, she wasn't the only one worried about being in King's Landing. Her father had been worried as well, and that's where this whole idea had been coming from. 

Not only had Arya begun to sword lesson, but Helena was to practice with Jory in order to protect herself. Her father had insisted since he knew and felt that something was going to go utterly wrong...

Not to mention, the Queen had already begun to hate Helena for whatever reason she had. 

Jory had therefor taken Helena for runs every morning before the royals woke up, trained with her in secret and it was not the easy practice... Surprisingly enough, Helena was sad she hadn't done this before. 

She learned fast, although strength was not her best skill, she was still as fast as ever. 

"You're small and fast," Jory said to her as their swords clashed together. "Use that to your advantage, Lena!" Jory pulled away and was just about to strike her once again with his sword.

Yes, the swords were as real as ever. 

Helena looked at the sword, her eyes following quicker than ever, just as she dodged the sword, crouched, elbowing Jory's stomach, making him fall to his knees just as she pointed her sword at him, still crouching. 

For a minute, Helena thought that maybe, for the first time, she'd win over Jory. 

But she was completely wrong. 

"Never leave an opening." Jory said, which made Helena realize that from where he was crouching a dagger was close to her stomach. 

Helena nodded, understanding that she should be more aware, quicker and not long for a win. She must be patient...

"If I beat you," Helena said suddenly, as she stood up, her back facing Jory. "Will father let me go to the night's watch?" 

"I think your father would've shipped you off a long time ago, Hell," Jory said. "But the King and Queen have their eyes on you. The King thinks you're madly in love with the Prince, you must not betray the King."

Helena turned to face him, despite her arms being filled with small bruises, she pinched them to make sure this was yet not another dream. And it wasn't, everything was a reality, which made her eyes burn with tears.

"I miss my brothers." And she missed Jon. Above all, she missed Jon so terribly it hurt, she missed Rob and his stupid snotty comments and she missed Greyjoy and his stupidness in general. 

And poor little Bran... Helena's heart seemed to break whenever she thought of Bran. She hoped, that no matter what, Rickon would be by Bran's side. 

"And they miss you," Jory said, walking towards Helena who seemed as vulnerable as ever. "But you must stay strong, Helena. You're marrying Prince Joffrey and you'll be Queen... But even if you are a Queen, you must stay protected at all times, even if it comes to you fighting." 

Helena knew he was right. He was as right as ever... King's Landing was not a safe place for Helena and it was not safe place for the Stark's. She wiped her tears, her eyes hardening. 

She could not possibly cry right now, she could not be vulnerable or weak. By the powers within her, she had to stay strong. 

Eddard Stark's POV;

Most of the time, he wondered what Jon was doing by the wall. He wondered if his boy did a good job, and he also wanted to talk to Jon about their mother. 

Of course, he had the opportunity to talk to Helena at all times. But he knew, he simply knew, that it was too much for her to progress. She was not only being legitimized into a Stark, but she was also marrying a royal with the knowledge of becoming a Queen. 

Besides, if anyone found out about Helena's true identity, her true name, they'd have her head chopped off even if she was a Queen. 

Lord Stark was watching Jory and Helena practicing by the castle grounds near her chambers. Ned always knew that Helena had the blood of a fighter, she just hadn't been able to lift a sword because of Cat. 

But now that she was, she was learning quick and she was catching on very good. Helena, just like her father, had graceful skills and deadly ones with more practice. Helena wasn't very strong, but she was quick and rapid, like her direwolf Claw. 

Indeed, Helena looked much like Lyanna. 

"It isn't fair." A voice said behind him suddenly, almost cutting him off guard. However, looking behind him was only his daughter. His beautiful little bird, Sansa. Her eyes were shining and Lord Stark knew his daughter hadn't been that happy. 

After all, her known sister was going to marry Joffrey in her place. 

"Why are you awake, little bird?" Ned asked his daughter as he embraced his daughter with one hand. 

"I haven't been able to sleep much," she said. "I keep thinking about how... how I was suppose to be in her place."

Ned shook his head. He could not tell his daughter that he was very pleased that Sansa was not the one to marry Joffrey. 

However, it pained him just as much that Helena was marrying him. Helena had, despite her not being his true child, the apple of his eye. 

"Little bird, you'll be glad it wasn't you."

"But I want Joffrey." she said quietly, eyeing Helena. 

"I'm sure that Helena would've given you the opportunity, Sansa." Ned said, knowing it was true. Ned had caught Helena crying in her chambers every night, praying to the Gods that she would be rescued safely home. 

Mostly, she cried and prayed about Jon, how she wanted him to be safe and happy. It had broken Ned's heart. 

"Then why isn't she, father? Why is she still marrying him?" 

"It's the King's command," the Lord said to his daughter, still watching Helena. "If Helena could refuse, then she would, little bird. But you know she can't refuse the King."

And it was true. 

There was no escape. 

Certainly not for Helena, a Targaryen. 

Helena's POV;

"You look beautiful." Helena turned around and saw Arya by the door, watching her with a smile. Arya's face was just a tad dirty, must've been mud or something. However, her eyes were glistening more than ever. 

Helena smiled and walked towards her sister. 

"Thank you..." she said, crouching near her sister. "You're much more beautiful, I'd say."

"No." Arya said seriously. "You are the most beautiful one, everyone keeps saying it." Helena shook her head, refusing to listen to anything further. 

"Is it fun here?" Helena asked. Arya shook her head, a simple answer that Helena could relate to. 

"I want to go home." Helena smiled weakly, almost sadly. But she could not to cry, she promised not to. She had to be strong, not only for herself, but for her family. She was no longer a Snow, she was a Stark. 

She had to live up to that... 

But somehow, being a Stark made her feel less connected to Jon. He should be, legitimized by her side. 

"Me too." Helena said. 

However, she could not talk to her little sister any further before the Septa came to get her. It was no longer time to chat and try to escape. 

Cause Helena was having dinner with the King and Queen, and her husband to be. 

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