Chapter 44~ Ethereal

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Jon was awake, Winterfell was now the Stark's again... They went from having it all to having nothing at all, and little by little Helena and her family climbed their way up, pushing away the obstacles. 

Jon and Helena would leave for Winterfell soon along with Dev and the others. He wanted to see Arya and Sansa, which didn't surprise her. Of course, Helena doubted to leave her sisters once again, but this time was different. 

Sansa and Arya had all the protection they needed, they were no longer surrounded by Lannister's and Baratheon's. They were surrounded by people who were sworn to protect them, people who had respect for their father. 

Not to mention, Arya was a very good fighter herself. 

"All this fighting has made me exhausted," Helena said to Dev. "I try to keep up with everything, and at some point I feel like I can, but sometimes I just lose it..."

Suddenly, Helena saw something she did not expect to see. She had slept in the same room with Dev before, but she had never seen him take his blouser off. Watching him now, in this very room, taking his clothings off, was something she had not expected. 

Worse was, she could not take her eyes off. He was very beautiful and he did not have to be half naked for her to just stand and watch. Helena caught herself watching Dev many times.

Then he turned around, his perfect face turning into a weak smile as his sapphire eyes met hers. They were glowing so brilliantly. That's when it hit her! Devrys knew so much of her, yet she knew so little of him.

"What is it?"  he asked curiously. 

"I..I was just thinking."

"Of what, my Queen?" Helena smiled as she walked closer to him.

"Drop the formalities." she said with a smile. "I like it better when you call me Elly."

Dev smiled at her and nodded as if it was a command. "Well then, Elly, why're you looking at me like that?"

Without thinking, Helena spoke. "I can't stop thinking about our kiss." 

"I am very sorry for that, I never meant to-"

"No," Helena said and shook her head, stopping. "Don't say you didn't mean to." Dev looked at her curiously, questionably. It was as if he could not believe it.

"Even...even if it's a lie, I wanted you to have meant it. You don't have to pretend like you liked the kiss but-"

Dev shook his head, looking straight at her. "I lie awake every night thinking about that kiss." Dev said, walking closer towards her. Then he looked at her the same way he looked at her the first time he was her. 

She remembered that... She had been pregnant back then and he did everything to protect her from harm, despite being pregnant he looked at her as if she was the most precious and beautiful woman.

"The first time I came to King's Landing, when your father wanted to talk to me, I had no idea what was awaiting." he said, coming closer and closer to her. Helena's heart started to pound harder and harder. 

"I remember speaking to him, listening, then looking out the window."

"What did you talk about?" Helena questioned, half-curious. 

"I can't remember." Dev said, noting that if he took yet another step he would be inches away from her, inches away from skin to skin. He was very much taller than her, very much broader than her and so much more muscular.

But it was only up until now that Helena saw how muscular he really was.

"I set eyes on a Queen of ice and fire," he said with a smile, taking the last step. "Her beauty made me forget the words of a Lord and the King's right Hand."

Suddenly, Dev touched her face, tracing her cheek with his large warrior hands, his beautiful diamond sapphire eyes gazing into hers, his full and perfect structured lips aching for hers. At least she was aching for his. 

"You are by far the most ethereal and beautiful woman I have seen, Helena," he said. "You made me realize what I have to fight for and you gave me a purpose." Helena looked at the man that had always been there for her. 

Dev had, without a doubt, proven himself worthy to her as a Queen. But that was not all.. She knew that she could not, by any means, give herself to Dev for what was to come. She could not hurt him or herself like that. 


"Don't fight it," Dev said and looked into her eyes, his voice so bright and full of hope. "I know, despite what you say, that a part of you wants me, too."

She would never admit that, not to him at least.. She could admit it to herself, but not to him. For some reason, she wanted him to know that she could not love him, could not let herself do that. 

"Elena," his soft voice spoke her name so delicately. "I will, no matter what, love you until I take my last breath." His thumb stroked her cheek and Helena could not help but lean into his hand, touching the back of his hand with hers. 

She always had this unspeakable longing for Dev, always had dreamt of his touch once again, his kiss... 

Suddenly, out of nowhere, she started weeping. Sweet tears started to fall down her sweet cheeks and all she could really think about what was to come, that she could not enjoy this moment. 

"It's going to be fine." Dev said reassuringly as he embraced her. Or at least tried. 

Helena pushed him away and turned around, pulling her hair as she cried, looking up as if there was a sky to look at.

"I can't do this anymore," she cried. "I am weak, I am broken and I can't do this! I can't be claiming a title I've never known of or forget the dead." 


"My father died because of me! My brothers, my biological parents died and even lady Stark! Sansa nearly died because of treason and-and Jon!" Helena's heart was broken, it was as though nothing could mend it. 

Nothing at all. 

Until Devrys made his move. With his strong hands he took a hold of her and turned her around, kissing her lips everly so softly. She could taste her salty tears that were now a part of the kiss, and for a moment she forgot everything. 

She forgot about everything as she let Dev take care of her and love her. 

In return, she promised herself to love him until her last breath. Even when she would not be here. 

Jon's POV;

Jon knew Tyrion, most of his family knew him, but even though he was a Lannister he wasn't actually like the rest of them. Somehow, even if it was just a little, Jon felt this weird connection to the dwarf. 

Because he, like Jon, had been somehow hated for not being like the rest of his family. Because he had been a bastard. 

"I heard what you did for my sister..."  Jon said as he sat down at the table with the dwarf. He didn't fancy Tyrion much, yet he did not hate him. 

Tyrion looked up at him with that scar on his face, the scar that changed his whole appearance. 

"I did what I had to do."

"You showed Sansa kindness and mercy, you treated her differently." Jon said. "I thank you for that." 

"Had I not treated her right your twin sister herself would've burnt me alive." Tyrion said with a smile on his face. Jon knew that the dwarf had his sense of humor, but that was very true. Tyrion was smart, no fool. 

"I assume you didn't just come here to thank me." Tyrion said, putting down the book he was reading. 

"No." Jon said, looking Tyrion straight in the eyes. "We need Cersei for the upcoming war-"

"I cannot convince her," Tyrion said shaking his head. "She'll kill me, and she'll kill your sister."

"My sister is pretty hard to kill." Jon said, almost ironically. "She has..dragons."

"Cersei will find a way," Tyrion insisted. "I know Cersei, she always finds a way, Jon. Believe me."

And Jon did. 

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