Chapter 33~ Daughter of Rhaegar Targaryen

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Cersei's POV;

Cersei had never expected this. She knew, she had a feeling, that something bad was going to happen. Yet never had she expected her own son to die, her beloved son and King. Joffrey might've been cruel, but Cersei loved him more than anything. 

So standing there, over her son's dead body, ready for a funeral, made her insane. 

Because of Helena, he was dead. 

"We will kill her for what she's done." Cersei said, her voice cracking as she looked at Joffrey. Jamie, whom was just behind her, was walking towards her. Of course, Cersei always knew when he was present. 

It was like an alarm. 

"That is easier said than-"

"Whatever it takes." Cersei commanded, knowing that there was nothing else in the world she wanted but to have this girl killed. This girl that had been so... fragile and vulnerable just months ago had turned into someone that seemed invincible. 

But anyone can be defeated. 

That was Cersei's motto for now. 

"Cersei, we can't-"

"She killed your son!" Cersei turned around and pointed at her twin brother, her lover. "She killed our son! How can you not-"

Jamie grabbed her arms and just his touch calmed her down. "I want to kill her more than anything for what she has done to our son... Trust me. But you saw her, she killed three of our guards like it was nothing! Her Unsullied army managed to defeat us!" 

"I don't care." Cersei said, grimacing. "I will have her dead corpse on a spike or hanging outside the castle! I will kill them all..."

Jamie's POV;

Jamie had talked to Cersei for a while, and done some other stuff, but the thought him and Brienne of Tarth having a deal to get Arya Stark home safely was something he knew would piss her off. 

However, she could not see through logic. 

"Did you talk to her?" Tyrion questioned Jamie, which Jamie had expected. However, no positive outcome was enough for Jamie to speak up. 

Silence was the answer that made Tyrion realize nothing good came out of talking to their sister. 

"... You'll just let her?" Tyrion commanded to know, breathing loud and clear. Jamie shook his head as he stopped at the nearest table and poured himself some wine. 

"I can't blame her for wanting to protect her children-"

"Helena spared us all." Tyrion commented, his eyes narrowed. "We could've all died, she could've burnt King's Landing to ashes! But she only killed the boy who never gave her a chance to breath while she was here. He took away her family and her son and Cersei let him!" Tyrion was clearly angry. 

"And what am I suppose to do?" 

"You're suppose to disagree with her, you idiot!" Jamie furrowed his brows. "We're not just defying a Stark anymore, Jamie, which we should've never done to begin with! We're defying the fucking daughter of Rhaegar Targaryen." 

Helena's POV;

Helena knew that her next turning point had to be Winterfell. She had to make a move if she wanted her home back, and she did. She was going to make her father happy. Well, at least the man she grew up to know as her father. 

So she stood there, at her aunts castle looking out the window of what used to be her fathers so called kingdom. 

Lysa Arryn wasn't always a mad woman, but her eyes gave a few signs of a crazy woman desperate to find love and such. Her aunt hadn't seemed very pleased to have them there, but then again...

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