Chapter 18~ Winterfell

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"She will despise me." Helena whispered to Devrys, closing her eyes as her arms rested around his waist on the horse, Claw walking next to them as the dragons rested on Claw. They had, surprisingly enough, learned to fly. 

After all, the ship ride had taken almost three weeks. It was enough time for her dragons to grow, by an amount. 

"Lady Catelyn will not despise you, Elly." Elly was the name given to her by Devrys. They had grown closer than ever and she considered him more than just a friend. If only Jon had been here... She probably shouldn't write in the letters that he too was a Targaryen. 

They would have him killed if they saw it.

"She will. I left her daughters and-"

"And there was nothing you could do." Devrys said strictly. "But you need to fight back and you've got two dragons to help you. Your brother will help you with his army, the North will help you. You are the rightful Queen."

"I'm also a Targaryen," Helena said. "Something not many people like."

"You are a Stark, too. Your father said so himself."

But suddenly, it was time to stop talking, cause they started to get near the House of Frey. 

Jon's POV;

Jon had saved all of Helena's letters, but not even he needed a letter to know the horrible deeds of Joffrey Baratheon, their King. Jon's father was dead, Helena's son was dead... He was so angry that he was tempted to go to King's Landing and beat the living shit out of Joffrey. 

Now, Jon was standing with Samwell Tarly, who should've been Lord of Horn Hill. However, not even Jon could deny that Sam was a bit of a coward now and then. However, his kindness was needed and sometimes Jon felt like he could learn from Sam. 

"Your sister," one of the other men said, called Eddison, approaching them. "Is she really Queen of the Seven Kingdoms?" 

Jon looked at him and nodded. He had known Eddison for quite a while, had befriended him somewhat. 

"Yes, she was legitimized almost a year back." Jon said, putting his cloak closer to his body. It was cold, too cold, but he got used to it. After all, he hadn't expected anything else from the Wall. He just wished his uncle Benjen could be here, too.

"Is it true her beauty surpassed Cersei's?" Jon narrowed his eyes. He wouldn't even like to know what the men would've done if Helena was to come to the Wall. One look was enough to tempt all men. 

"It is weird, though," Sam said, looking like a question mark. "They killed your father and her son... Why didn't King Joffrey-"

"King Joffrey knows he can't kill her," Jon said dryly. "If he does, I'll join my brother in war." 


"I don't care about the Nights watch," Jon said as he started walking towards the training men. "I would rather die and know my sister is safe rather than living and knowing she's dying."

And it was true. 

He would kill an entire kingdom for Helena, for they were twins. 

Helena's POV;

Men watched her as if there was no tomorrow, they watched Claw and came to realization but the dragons made the man back off entirely. However, somehow out of respect and at the same time out of fear, all the men got out of the way for Helena and Devrys to enter along with their horse. 

It was cold, colder than what Helena had expected. But for some reason, she could handle the cold quite well. Maybe it was because of her body temperature always being high. 

Along the way to the house, Helena heard whispers here and there. "Queen... Dragons... Direwolf..." 

Helena commanded Devrys to stop with the horse just as she got off and started walking towards the house, her dragons flying right onto her shoulders as Claw walked close by. She was in Winterfell now...

Standing in front of the house of the Frey's Helena was met by a man, her dragons hiding behind her, unable for the man to see them. 

"I'm looking for Robb Stark." 

"Who's asking?" the man asked rudely, narrowing his eyes towards her. Not even her face was to be seen, so Helena put down the cloak, revealing her face to the man. She immediately felt the cold strike her cheeks like a poke. 

"Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, Helena Snow, known bastard of Eddard Stark." Suddenly the dragons started to climb up on each side of Helena's shoulders once again, making the man completely paralyzed. 

He nodded and was just about to lead her to the house, but before she even could enter...

Dark eyes, curly and messy hair, auburn color, fair skin, tall and broad. 


Helena stared and stared at her brother, not believing her own eyes. It felt like everything around her had stopped as soon as she saw her beloved brother. Everything, literally, was just air to her. She could feel her knees bend, she could feel her heart beating faster and yet she was keeping herself from breathing. 

It felt like a dream. 

"Elena?" It was merely a whisper coming from Robb, but this was not a dream, she realized. This was reality, she was actually here, looking at her brother! Smiling with tears in her eyes, Helena nodded. 

Within a split second, Robb ran towards her and before she knew it, he was on his knees, hugging her by the waist. Crying. 

Helena looked around and closed her eyes, trying not to cry as she touched her brothers shoulders, shaking her head. She had to be strong, right? This wasn't a time to cry, right? 

But then again, Helena did the opposite. 

"I am so sorry!" Robb said in a whisper, his voice shaking just as Helena got down on her knees, cupping Robb's face. 

"No." she said, tears in her eyes. "Don't you dare blame yourself, Robb!" Helena said, shaking her head. In any realm, Helena would not let him blame himself. There was nothing he could've done. He would've died trying to save them in King's Landing, it would've been a suicide mission. 

"I will kill him, Helena." Robb said, looking into her eyes. "I will kill him and all of King's Landing that let it happen." 

The Dragons Heiress (Game of Thrones)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat