Chapter 34~ The waif

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Arya's POV;

Arya had no intention of killing someone that was good, someone that did not actually deserve to die. 

Arya had actually realized that she wasn't killing because the many faced God wanted it, but merely because people were paying for murder. Arya was not about to commit a crime for someone else. 

She had no reason to. 

Especially not now that she had been saved by lady Crane. Not to mention, she was a very good actress. 

All that Arya could remember was being stabbed and going into the water and waking up here. It was no question of whom had stabbed her, not at all... She already knew the girl. 

And that is also why Arya understood, standing there and looking at lady Crane's lifeless body, that it was the same girl. Two flies in one smash, but Arya was not about to be a fly. 

If anything, she was going to survive. 

The waif was coming for her. 

Sansa's POV;

Despite the fact that Sansa was back at the north, she had so much more she wanted to do until Helena came back. Not to mention, Sansa did feel a little abandoned by her sister. 

Just a little... 

The thing Sansa really wanted to do was to see Jon, but that would be impossible. Anyone would try to come for her, try to kill her and bring her back to King's Landing under Cersei's command. 

She'd die within seconds if Cersei got her hands on her. 

Not to mention, Lysa and Littlefinger seemed to be enjoying themselves quite allot these days. So much that Littlefinger wanted to marry her, but Sansa knew...

"We will take back Winterfell." Littlefinger said to her as they walked, the snow falling down on both of them. He made it sound like a promise, a promise that he probably could not keep. 

"I know, Helena will be back shortly." Even though it's been days ever since. Sansa knew that Helena's dragons were patient, but they did like to fly allot where the clouds couldn't catch them. 

Stark and Rhaegar had probably flied off, meaning that they'd be back after weeks. 

"Why wait for Helena?" Petyr said and looked directly at Sansa. "We could take it back now! Winterfell would be yours again." Sansa looked at him, smiled first, but then realized. 

There is a prize for everything that comes with the idea of conquer. 

"How?" Sansa asked, knowing that there was something to give in return without the idea of knowing what. 

Petyr looked around and coughed as he got closer to Sansa, looking at her right in the eyes. There was no doubt, he loved her. Petyr did love Sansa, in his own way. Sansa didn't know if it was because she looked like her mother, but she was sure of at least that. 

"I would never hurt you," he began. "I will always protect you! But how much are you willing to do in order to get back your home?"

"Anything." Sansa said, without actually thinking. But somehow, she did not regret it. 

"Would you marry Ramsay Bolton? Just for the moment?" Marry? Marry Ramsay Bolton? The bastard who had been legitimized and probably killed the northerners of Winterfell? Sansa looked at Petyr, shocked of what he had just said. 


"Be his betrothed, not for long! I will save you just in time."

"What does that even mean? Are you using me as a bait to get my home back for you own advantage?" Petyr shook his head immediately, touching her shoulders and rubbing them. 

"I would never do that to you, Sansa! Never!" His left hand suddenly touched her chin and it made her look at him. Was he speaking the truth? Was he being honest? Was he doing this for her? 

"Besides, your sister would have me killed if I tried... I wouldn't dare to." he whispered, going closer and closer to her, looking at her eyes intensely. 

Then he kissed her. 

Arya's POV;

Arya could feel her legs shaking as she ran, the blood gushing slowly from her wound that has once again been opened. But she would not stop running... She would kill the waif and she'd do it alone. 

She wasn't afraid anymore, she had been surviving alone for this long! She wouldn't just stop! No matter how much pain she was in, she would keep running and keep fighting. Arya could not let the waif get to her. 

As Arya ran, people around looked at her as if she was crazy. She had already fell of stairs and luckily gotten up...

Just a little more and she'd be trying to kill the waif, for she was unable to move much more. Her wound was, after all, reopened. As soon as Arya saw a darkened corner she decided to go there, knowing that she probably wouldn't be able to do much. 

But if there was one thing she knew, it was how to fight while being blind. Luckily for her, she wasn't. 

"You can't hide!" she heard the waif say loud and clear just as she entered a room with a candle. And it was also the wrong room. 

Her sword was not here where she had been hiding it, which meant she was done for. If she had no weapon whatsoever, she could not possibly kill the waif. 

Arya shook her head and felt the panic hitting her. What was she going to do? Was this the end? Was she simply going to die?

The waif suddenly stood right in front of her, smirking, as if she knew what was going on. Arya could tell that the waif was going to enjoy this. 

"By today, you'll die and never see-"

"What do we say to death?" Arya's skin suddenly went completely cold. Her eyes went wide, her heart started beating at the top of her chest as everything around her made it harder to breath. 

"Not today." Helena finished, standing at the entrance and looking over at the waif and smirking. Arya looked at her, noticing that everything about her had changed from the way she looked to the way she was standing and talking. 

"Helena Snow." the waif said, looking at Helena with another smirk. Could it be that Helena did not stand a chance against the waif? After all, the waif had more experience and from what Arya knew, Helena was not very good at fighting. 

"Bastard Queen, lost a son, lost your biological parents and your uncle. Your entire family might as well just die-"

"Bethany Frey." Helena suddenly said, her fingers touching the tip of her dagger, smirking maliciously. But Arya didn't understand...

Bethany Fray? 

Suddenly, the waif was still, looking at Helena with blank yet shocked eyes. "How do you-"

"You're from House Frey, your father betrayed my family. You ran from home years ago, the lost daughter... Not that he cared, aye?" Helena shook her head and looked down at her shoes. 

Was the waif really a Frey? Was she noble? 

Suddenly, the waif, Bethany, went to attack Helena which Arya had predicted. But surprisingly, so had Helena. 

Helena graciously took a hold of her dagger, bent down just a little and stabbed the waif right in the stomach. 

"When you kill innocent people for money, I want you to think twice..." Helena said, looking the waif right in the eyes. "You ran from home because your father killed innocent people. Because he was a bag full of shit."

"I am not-"

"You are." Helena said, almost sadly as she pulled out her dagger and took out her sword. But it wasn't just any sword. 

It was Ice. 

"I hope you find peace." Helena said just as she stabbed the waif right in the chest with Ice, the blade that father used to kill with mercy. 

The waif dropped to the floor and Helena put Ice back into place just as she looked at Arya, hurrying to her. Arya tried to smile but before she could even speak...

She collapsed entirely. 

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